small town vs big city


Colossians 3:23
Two part question

1. Were you raised in a small town or big city? or if you'd rather say rural area vs urban area you can
2. What are the goods and bads of each in your opinion?

For me I was raised in a small, rural town of about maybe 6,000 people in the town and surrounding areas combined, really it was about 20 minutes outside of town, and my parents still live there now so when I go home that's where I go. Where I currently go to school though, Abilene, is what I would consider a pretty big city of close to 200,000 people and it's obviously different from where I grew up in my opinion although it's not in the same league as like Houston or San Antonio or Dallas. I'm biased but I prefer the small town feel and the openness and feeling of community. I get anxiety sometimes in Abilene and so I couldn't imagine living in a place like Houston or New York or Los Angeles. The goods in my opinion of small rural towns is the shared morals and beliefs, the wide open country, the close community feel, and simpler way of living. The bads I would say is that sometimes it can be tough to get things that you need that are much easier to find in a big city, not a whole lot of restaurants to choose from, it can be kindof boring at times, and when friends leave it can get kindof lonely.
A bigger city gives you access to a much bigger world. And better beer/food. But also a lot more plebians and traffic. Personally I prefer the area I'm in now; the suburbs. Best of both worlds.

Still too many proles though.
For me I was raised in a small, rural town of about maybe 6,000 people in the town and surrounding areas combined

that's a city.....I grew up with a population of 650.......around 300 were relatives.......there was one boy in my high school who was not on the football team......

the city I am in now has a population of around 4500.....but there are close to a million within 20 miles of me........still have deer grazing in the soccer field on the other side of the creek that borders my yard.......had a turkey in my tree once......three hour drive in one direction I can be in Chicago......three hours in the other I can be in the Upper Peninsula........

to paraphrase the song.....if you can't live in the place you love, love the place you live........
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Small town are where the dredges of society reside, the people too stupid to be able to get out of them. They're closed off bigots.

Well I couldnt disagree more. Many people choose to stay in their town not because they are too stupid to leave like you are saying but because its their home and they love it there and they have the livelihood there. As for bigots they exist in all types of places.
Small towns are breeding grounds for racism and intolerance. Look at PostmodernRacist.

That's a pretty wrong assumption in my opinion. Racism and intolerance can and does exist anywhere including suburbs and big cities. Small towns in my opinion breed moslty people that are more self reliant and down to Earth. There are bad people that can come from a small town too but all the people ive ever known have been good people.
That's a pretty wrong assumption in my opinion. Racism and intolerance can and does exist anywhere including suburbs and big cities. Small towns in my opinion breed moslty people that are more self reliant and down to Earth. There are bad people that can come from a small town too but all the people ive ever known have been good people.
Not including when they form lynch mobs, of course.
That's a pretty wrong assumption in my opinion. Racism and intolerance can and does exist anywhere including suburbs and big cities. Small towns in my opinion breed moslty people that are more self reliant and down to Earth. There are bad people that can come from a small town too but all the people ive ever known have been good people.

Legion/Howey/Leonthecat clearly chooses to ignore the racism of cities all across the country. Of course he also thinks liberals can't be racist. Would love to see him tell a black person that.
To each his own but I've always lived in a big city and I get scared in the suburbs, outerburbs. I need action and activity. The quiet of the small town drives me nuts. Now I have nothing against small towns. Lots and lots of great people live in them. Just not my thing.
The biggest problem with smaller towns is old families and nosey people. Everyone has to know your business.
To each his own but I've always lived in a big city and I get scared in the suburbs, outerburbs. I need action and activity. The quiet of the small town drives me nuts. Now I have nothing against small towns. Lots and lots of great people live in them. Just not my thing.

When I'm on my bike the open country never triggers my agoraphobia, but when I get in crowded places I get creeped out and think everybody is watching me and it's deeply unpleasant.
When I'm on my bike the open country never triggers my agoraphobia, but when I get in crowded places I get creeped out and think everybody is watching me and it's deeply unpleasant.

Try losing the brony tee shirts.