smEagles come up short again


New member
I wish I would have made it public that the Cards had a good chance. I would have still put my money on the Eagles without a spread, but I was not at all shocked or surprised.

Everyone was saying how the Eagles were the Giants of last year. But the Cardinals remind me of the Colts of their Superbowl year. Good offense throughout the year, mostly passing. But, the defense and running game showed up in the playoffs. In football it's all about what you have done lately. Most were giving the Cards' opponents all the credit for the defense (Delhomme did make some horrible passes). The Colts were a little stronger throughout that season than the Cards have been this one, but...

I would not have been disappointed if the Eagles had won. McNabb and Reid are both competent in their professions and took too much grief this year. I would have liked to have seen them get in this time. But Philly fans are stupid and do not deserve to win. Only downside of the Rays' season is they let the Phillies win to give some undeserved relief to the nations worst sports fans. Well, they do turn out for games, I guess...

I hope Reid gets a NutriSystem deal or he 's going to be dead soon.

Oh yeah, and how bout the Bucs move? I told my wife it sort of feels like a couple close to you split up. You knew it was coming, sooner or later (like most I thought he would get one more year), and maybe it is best, but still kind of sad.

He's still the guy that got us a Super Bowl win. I'll love him forever for that. Even if it was with Dungy's team. And that's where he failed, in building his own team.

I hope Raheem will return focus to the D. Gruden never delivered the offense and our defense needs a pass rush.
Bad no call on the last Eagles offensive play, but what can you do?

People are already chiming in with the usual "McNabb chokes in the big games" routine, but I hardly put that loss on him...
Bad no call on the last Eagles offensive play, but what can you do?

People are already chiming in with the usual "McNabb chokes in the big games" routine, but I hardly put that loss on him...

No way that was a bad no call. It was the right no call.

But you are is not the fault of McNab. The Eagles were beaten by a good team in a game that could have gone either way.

BTW, I am a huge Warner/Fitzgerald fan. This couldn't happen to a better couple of guys. I look at the interviews with people like TO (I am still a Cowboy fan) and then I look at Fitzgerald's interviews. There is no doubt who is the classier fellow.
Cardinals are the worst team EVER to make it to the Superbowl and if they win, they'll be the worst team to EVER win the Superbowl.
Cardinals are the worst team EVER to make it to the Superbowl and if they win, they'll be the worst team to EVER win the Superbowl.

Hahahahahaha! LOL!
You haven't watched the Big Red this year, sure they've had their ups and downs but... they won their weak division, they beat Atlanta, they beat Carolina at Carolina, they beat the mighty Eagles and won the NFC Championship, and they scored 129 pts. in the last 4 games.
In football when other teams and their fans hate you, you must be doing something right! Choke on it!

Go Cards!

It's going to be a good game. Could be lopsided either way. But don't bet the farm on Shittsburgh!

Just keep telling yourself that the Cards cant win. Over and over and over till you believe it, then watch them beat the Squealers.
I'll be rooting for them. If only to have a team NOBODY expected win. It would be a fitting end for one stinky NFL season.
Hahahahahaha! LOL!
You haven't watched the Big Red this year, sure they've had their ups and downs but... they won their weak division, they beat Atlanta, they beat Carolina at Carolina, they beat the mighty Eagles and won the NFC Championship, and they scored 129 pts. in the last 4 games.
In football when other teams and their fans hate you, you must be doing something right! Choke on it!

Go Cards!

It's going to be a good game. Could be lopsided either way. But don't bet the farm on Shittsburgh!

Just keep telling yourself that the Cards cant win. Over and over and over till you believe it, then watch them beat the Squealers.

I didn't say they couldn't beat the Steelers....I waid even if they do they'll be the worst team to ever win the Superbowl. Oh and by the way...I live in Mesa and went to every Cardinals home game. They are not a good team.
What are you the Watermark of the NFL? You hate your own team?
Go Cards!

Nah dude I don't hate them but they are the worst team to make the Superbowl. They are so 1 dimensional it is ridiculous.

but they are fun to watch..Fitzgerald is amazing and I like to see old QBs do well.