Smoke Em If You Got Em


Junior Member
Check out the photo, you have to be smoking something if this is your hero. LOL

>>A Change in the Weather
Progressive Dennis Kucinich takes over a new House subcommittee, signaling changes in national drug policy

presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, one of the most progressive Democratic voices in the House, was appointed as chair of the new House Government Reform and Oversight subcommittee on domestic policy, causing drug reform organizations coast-to-coast to rejoice in hopes that a moment for significant change may have finally come.
Hero ? huh ? Who ?

Don't know anyting about that, but I am sure I will learn about it in the near future.
Fuck me! The Dims actually appointed Kucinich to chair Reform and Oversight??!? Well plant a peony in my johnson and call me a centerpiece: that's probably the genuinely revolutionary thing they've done since this session began. Also one of the most potentially productive.

Thanks, Toby. I mean it. I'd totally missed that story and it's the best news I've had all week.