Smokin Joe is gone! :(

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Smokin Joe Frasier passed away last night. With out a doubt one of the greatest heavy weight champs of all times.

His fights with Ali were legend. With out Smokin Joe, Ali would have been just another palooka and not the legend he became. Where as Ali's remarkable talent allowed him to defy the fundamentals of his sport, Joe Frasier proved that to be his weakness in their first fight in Madison Square Gardens when he damned near took off Ali's head.

Joe was a classic example of mastery of the fundamentals of his sport. The way he could bob and weave and never be a standing target, the precision by which he could cut the ring of from his opponents and his ability to slip a jab or over hand right and counter with what many consider the most devastating left hook in the history of the sport. All this from a fighter who was only 5"10" and 205 lbs at his peak. The man had the heart of a lion!

For those of you who were born after 1970 go to youtube and look up some of his fights. Particularly his first fight against Ali and watch a master at work.

Rest in Peace old Lion!
One of the all time greats of the sport. R.I.P. Smokin Joe.