Snack Pak Pudding Hack


ButterMilk Man
I dont know what this stuff is but it does not resemble food, and it is kinda nasty. I used to eat it back when it was good 2.5 times a week at Marsh Middle School were we had no cafeteria and ate our bag lunches in Home Room every day. One day pudding, one day fruit. It came in a can in those days. We did get milk, including chocolate, and it was not that 1% low grade crap we make the kids drink now, because we are sadistic, because science does not support this, like at all.

Chill a "vanilla" pudding. Sprinkle over it a pinch of sugar and a few shakes of real vanilla extract.

If you were wondering how it came to be that Hawkeye is eating fake food then I am here to help. My wife does all of the shoping. My wife can not pass up "A deal". This means that she is often swindled on "specials" and also that when ever Fred Meyer (nee Kroger) offers her free food on the reward system she says "Yes", even when it is snack pak pudding, which she will not eat, she will not eat any pudding, but she adores creme brulee..dont bother asking me to explain.

So it showed up one day.