Snack Time............


Just to piss some off in here...with mundane normal goings on...not dinner time I am eating Jalopeno/creame cheese Poppers and chased with a cold beer...numa numa!:tongout:

That's a bit terse. For example, what brand of beer?

whats it too ya?...never mind bad was Corona...I was weak and a traitor for a moment...I will run to the store and get some bud or millers...kay'

Night all moving way too slow in here today!....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
whats it too ya?...never mind bad was Corona...I was weak and a traitor for a moment...I will run to the store and get some bud or millers...kay'

Night all moving way too slow in here today!....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Screw that, Bud sucks! Miller is okay, but if you are going to buy American, take the best - Coors. Otherwise stick with Corona. I usually buy something Belgian, like Blue Moon or Fat Tire.

Screw that, Bud sucks! Miller is okay, but if you are going to buy American, take the best - Coors. Otherwise stick with Corona. I usually buy something Belgian, like Blue Moon or Fat Tire.

They make Keystone also...not bad but stay away in the summer....only one brewery and it sometimes is green...the runs may follow..Bud is a good has been a staple in the states since the late 1800's as has Coors...There are some mini-breweries that have a good product...however they are overpriced!...Name them... I can but I am just checking on your expertease...:tongout: