Snakes On A Plane


Staff member
This is the real title of an actual new movie....

I should create a whole new Forum for this one. The Depth and just sheer power of the movie and all the hidden plot encased in that awesome title just bleeds class right onto my computer screen as I type...
Get yourelves down the bookies, sharpish.

'Snakes on a Plane' may be the subject of a substantial serving of criticism from the know-nothing critics of the gutter press but, have no doubt, in a few short months this artistic vision will rightfully take its place on the throne of film majesty; snatching the crown of "greatest" from the usurper, 'Citizen Kane'.

And anybody who says anything different is just pig ignorant. You're all Phillipinos, even.
I eagerly await the first screening in our area as history is made with the newest "Greatest Movie Ever" just verging on meeting my eyes... I am so excited I can hardly breathe.
I have my own idea for a sequel, based on users of a political message board being terrorised by bloodthirsty and inquisitive spiders, which keep popping up unexpectedly and wreaking general arachnid havoc and that.

Working title - the rather snappy 'Spiders on a Board'.