sniff sniff sniff


Find anything interesting with that big snout?

Maybe you'll get a "big cyber scoop" and you can race back to the other no lives with it!

Wow, I'm so excited for you!
and you're off! I do so hope you found some little tidbit to bring back to the other hors.

Wouldn't it be exciting if you hors could have an exciting weekend...for once? just to think I might contribute to that...well, what can I say?
Find anything interesting with that big snout?

Maybe you'll get a "big cyber scoop" and you can race back to the other no lives with it!

Wow, I'm so excited for you!
What is that about, and to whom are you talking???
It totally was not directed at anyone who posts here believe me. Water, you don't have to "think on it" although, that was funny.
Well, I promise I won't mention anything about your secret night job as an S&M Madame or your side job as an underground NYC coke lord. 'kay?