Snow in Vegas

Except it aint sticking on the ground.

Its typical to have a couple of dustings every year.

We have missed out the last couple of years.

BTW global warming has been already stated to cause unusual weathewr patterns of all kinds.
Our little snow dusting last week didn't stay; didn't even stick. We had mid-60s over the weekend, but up to 45 mph winds and dust storms (the cotton was just harvested so the fields are bare). Today it's 17 deg. F with 10 mph winds. By Wednesday when we have our Agility lesson it will be in the mid 50s again. Gee I wonder why everybody's getting sick? Could it be the stress from the changing temps???
Except it aint sticking on the ground.

Its typical to have a couple of dustings every year.

We have missed out the last couple of years.

BTW global warming has been already stated to cause unusual weathewr patterns of all kinds.
Everything that I have learned about this shows that this has been an unusually long stable period in the global ecology.

It is odd that we keep believing that if we just didn't drive cars, or if we just used solar energy we could somehow hold back climate change.

Humans definitely have an effect on the climate, IMO. However such a large effect would be nearly miraculous. Do you believe we can hold back natural change in order to keep the world comfortable for human life, or do you believe that we have been given these large brains so we could figure out how to make ourselves comfortable within the natural changes of the world?
Its snowing pretty good right now here.

That's Global warming for ya

;) <--- note, I use this to demonstrate that I am kidding, I know some of you on the left don't like the emoticons being used, but when I don't use them some idiot pretends that I am being serious. The inability of so many on the left to detect sarcasm requires that it be used. That is all.
Super, for the last eight years we thought Bush policy was a joke but sadly it was real policy.
BTW global warming has been already stated to cause unusual weathewr patterns of all kinds.

yeah, amazing how pretty much ANY weather event can now be tied to global warming.

Rain... yep, proof of global warming
Abnormally hot weather... yep, that is a given
Abnormally cold weather... yep, that is also global warming
Snow.... global warming
Flood... global warming
Hurricanes... yep, them too
Tornadoes... gods way of punishing those who hate gay people... (hey, one of them was bound to not be due to global warming)
Its why it gets hard to recognise sarcasm from the right, many times the person is serious when they come up with a joke of an idea for a solution.

Its the unusual weater event that is evidence of something altered in the system. Every cold weather event is always claimed as proof we are not warming.
We were supposed to get at 3am this morning what Seattleites are jokingly calling a "blizzard," but it didn't come. Apparently, back down in Olympia where I am vacationing from there is quite a bit of snow on the ground. That's weird, because I am used to everything being slightly more mild from temp., rainfall, etc. on up to snow...