APP - So according to Bobby Woodward

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
President Trump ordered General Mattis to "assassinate Assad" and Mattis disobeyed the order.

Let's for a second assume that is true and follow it through logically because I don't know that Woodward has provided any follow up in the snippets

But, if Trump really made such an order, wouldn't he at some point know that Assad isn't dead and follow up with Mattis?
President Trump ordered General Mattis to "assassinate Assad" and Mattis disobeyed the order.

Let's for a second assume that is true and follow it through logically because I don't know that Woodward has provided any follow up in the snippets

But, if Trump really made such an order, wouldn't he at some point know that Assad isn't dead and follow up with Mattis?

NO, Trump has the attention span of a 3 year old.