So called rights

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
it has come to my attention that rights are whatever we want them to be. stated another way, rights are whatever you and i define them to be at any given moment.

therefore i declare:

i am committing seppuku in order to avoid the shame of liberal hacks like darla and bijou not understanding the reality of the discussion.

i therefore lay my honorable seppuku at the feet of such liberals. his highness, grind to be my second. if they were not given their right to speak freely on an internet message board, under the guise of the first amendment (which doesn't apply on a private board) i would never want to kill myself. i am beside myself with grief. dammit. if i am beside myself, how can i kill myself.

this sucks. don't you all see?
the problem with rights anymore is too many lefties and righties don't like freedoms because it goes beyond their sensibilities, thus the 'no right is absolute' argument. they've been indoctrinated with the belief system that their rights come at the whim of government and can be taken away at will. nothing could be further from the truth, but there it is.
the problem with rights anymore is too many lefties and righties don't like freedoms because it goes beyond their sensibilities, thus the 'no right is absolute' argument. they've been indoctrinated with the belief system that their rights come at the whim of government and can be taken away at will. nothing could be further from the truth, but there it is.

OK, let's imagine there's no government. What rights do you have?
OK, let's imagine there's no government. What rights do you have?

This is nonsense. Nobody is saying no government. Our brilliant founders with their experience and wisdom designed a political system that would build the greatest nation in the history of the world.

They knew that men were flawed. And they sought to limit those flaws. They knew that the total of all suffering in the realm of human history came at the hands of government.

Freedom scares many on the left and right because it comes with awesome responsibility. The responsibility to live with ones deciscions.

Unfortunately, fewer and fewer want to be individuals unless it involves inking themselves up. Despite all of our technology, things have not materially changed since the founding of this country. People may think they are smarter, but they have no more wisdom than the founders.

All many are saying is follow the letter of the constitution. Why is that so hard for the left wingers and the RINOs
All many are saying is follow the letter of the constitution. Why is that so hard for the left wingers and the RINOs

Strict literal interpretation of the Constitution is as silly as strict literal interpretation of the Bible. If the Constitution was meant to be taken word-for-word literally, then why aren't convicted felons allowed to carry guns?