So Far... CNN has spent 1/2 hour...


That's why.

That's why.

i bet she's way less hot after being bludgeoned.

Though with the news the way it is, ugly girls seem to never get killed.

OR maybe that's the truth, seeing that a lot of these killings have rapes first, and seriously who's going to be raping the ugly ones?

Makes you ponder.
They spent at least 15 minutes on a pair of panties, that were not the victims, found at the site. I got bored after 45 minutes and finally changed the channel. There is only so many times you can see somebody asking you to call if you have information before you realize that they didn't have any to give.
They spent at least 15 minutes on a pair of panties, that were not the victims, found at the site. I got bored after 45 minutes and finally changed the channel. There is only so many times you can see somebody asking you to call if you have information before you realize that they didn't have any to give.

That's all well and good for you to say but someone, somewhere, must be absolutely distraught at the loss of their pants.

Why do you hate underwear?
(a question i never predicted i'd be asking another gentleman on the internets...again)
Sometimes I really wonder about you..............

No kidding. I was so fricking bored.

Stop and think...Colorado or another state could be next... FBI profilers have suggested this person is a serial rapist/killer...the panties were a taunt to police being that they did not belong to the latest victim...Nationwide coverage is a good thing...Megans law ring a bell?
Stop and think...Colorado or another state could be next... FBI profilers have suggested this person is a serial rapist/killer...the panties were a taunt to police being that they did not belong to the latest victim...Nationwide coverage is a good thing...Megans law ring a bell?
It didn't deserve 10 minutes let alone a dedicated full hour. There are other women being raped across the US. It is silly to think this guy must have his own CNN News hour. Give me information then move on.
Why are you the pantie bandit?

It didn't deserve 10 minutes let alone a dedicated full hour. There are other women being raped across the US. It is silly to think this guy must have his own CNN News hour. Give me information then move on.

don't want national coverage?Ya are getting creepy damo...or is this more false outrage humor?...If so it is not funny when applied to killers and rapist...!
don't want national coverage?Ya are getting creepy damo...or is this more false outrage humor?...If so it is not funny when applied to killers and rapist...!
What part of "give me information then move on" means "don't cover this"?

Did you take some Classes from CK recently?
Damo likes his news like he likes his dirty anonymous toilet sex, paired down, no frills, and no personal information.
Or I dislike it how you like yours, descriptive, juicy, scandalous and public so it gets the most out of the gossip ring.