APP - So how do democrats think this is going to go down?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Do they think that once Nancy Pelosi gets the gavel they are just going to march on down to the Treasury and the IRS is going to hand over years of President Trump's tax returns?

Under the law they can request it. Trump is sure to say no. And that will more than likely result in a legal battle that will wind its way through the courts probably landing at the Supreme Court.

Don't get your hopes up lefties. Decide if this is really the fight you want to have
Do they think that once Nancy Pelosi gets the gavel they are just going to march on down to the Treasury and the IRS is going to hand over years of President Trump's tax returns?

Under the law they can request it. Trump is sure to say no. And that will more than likely result in a legal battle that will wind its way through the courts probably landing at the Supreme Court.

Don't get your hopes up lefties. Decide if this is really the fight you want to have

if I were ever president I would say no on things that are completely innocuous, that way my opponents spend all their time and effort chasing a phantom. It would be hilarious if after all this they got his tax returns and there is nothing wrong with anyone of it.
if I were ever president I would say no on things that are completely innocuous, that way my opponents spend all their time and effort chasing a phantom. It would be hilarious if after all this they got his tax returns and there is nothing wrong with anyone of it.

That's what The Obama did with the birth certificate thing.
if I were ever president I would say no on things that are completely innocuous, that way my opponents spend all their time and effort chasing a phantom. It would be hilarious if after all this they got his tax returns and there is nothing wrong with anyone of it.

I agree 100%

Dems are making a big mistake if they think the American people want a fight over Trumps tax returns