So, I have a few of them he says...


Staff member
Kidney stones, they are my new nemesis.

I don't remember being in this much pain, ever.

Although Hydromorphone is magnificent....
I just get to pass them... Yaaay... Mo' pain for me!

Good luck! And be careful! If it's a big enough stone and it's propelled by enough force, it can ricochet off the bowl and hit you in the eye if you aren't careful!

Nah...just kidding.

But seriously...water...gallons and gallons of water. Every day. Best preventative out there.
I just get to pass them... Yaaay... Mo' pain for me!

"People from Pueblo to Ft Collins still talk about the strange night they heard the ghostly wailing that came undulating across the plains of eastern Colorado. No one ever identified the source of the strange cries, but everyone agreed that whoever or whatever had made the sound had to be in terrible pain..."
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Owowowoow! Sorry, Damo, I understand that those things hurt like hell.

Hope you get them dissolved soon.
Jeez Damo, I am sorry. My wife has had those. Two shots of morphine and she was still crying.

Much luck and healing mojo to you.
Sorry brother. I pray to quantum mechanical wave/particle paradoxes that it never happens to me.
Sorry brother. I pray to quantum mechanical wave/particle paradoxes that it never happens to me.
I pray it never happens to anybody. Three of them, they looked like little arrow heads...

And nothing worked for the pain. Thank the little gods it is over!