So, I wake up to find...


Staff member
... that all my snow shoveling was for naught!

Every path, every iota of shoveling, has been covered over and will need to be redone! Man, winter and I have a love/hate relationship!
Not melting. I spent most of the day spending quality time with the snowblower... Good thing I got the headphone ear protection...

Of course, this all will be worthless tomorrow after overnight drifting and after work I'll probably have more lonely time listening to the radio...
Not melting. I spent most of the day spending quality time with the snowblower... Good thing I got the headphone ear protection...

Of course, this all will be worthless tomorrow after overnight drifting and after work I'll probably have more lonely time listening to the radio...

You are getting plastered this year with snow! We got about 6 inches the other day but then it rained on it the following day, melting most of it, but then it got really cold at night and it turned to a slick, solid piece of ice in the yard and on the roads....

but snow? what is snow?

You are getting plastered this year with snow! We got about 6 inches the other day but then it rained on it the following day, melting most of it, but then it got really cold at night and it turned to a slick, solid piece of ice in the yard and on the roads....

but snow? what is snow?

LOL. Well, Tuesday is the great thaw... I'm looking forward to it.

I clean out my driveway for the Propane guy, and by the time he got there the drifting made it impassable for his truck again... so... I'm looking forward to heating my house without using all my firewood...
Yeah. Well, I was finally effected by this winter. We had a light dusting and it took me an extra 3 whole minutes to heat up my car and get the snow off.

Not kewl dude. Not kewl.

I actually had to break out the gloves and scarf. Mother nature is racist.
Well, we got ice for two days, then just a light dusting of snow (as opposed to the 7 -- 14 inches that were forecast).

Sadly, we've lost some large branches on my favorite Ponderosa Pine; just looked out the kitchen window on Saturday after hearing a big "Crack!" and saw the branches touching the ground, and the break at the trunk level.

Ice fell from all the trees all day yesterday, but there's still a lot clinging to the cedars on the north side. Haven't checked the windbreak yet.

Driving seems to be okay, with just a couple of slick patches.
on a serious note, or somewhat serious note, we were watching CNN during our vacation and the people in malibu who got snow last week were hilarious. One guy goes "this is the greatest day of my life" - we fell out laughing. It was so funny because you could clearly see they didn't have any real winter clothes, but they were as happy as a pig in s.....
Well, we got ice for two days, then just a light dusting of snow (as opposed to the 7 -- 14 inches that were forecast).

Sadly, we've lost some large branches on my favorite Ponderosa Pine; just looked out the kitchen window on Saturday after hearing a big "Crack!" and saw the branches touching the ground, and the break at the trunk level.

Ice fell from all the trees all day yesterday, but there's still a lot clinging to the cedars on the north side. Haven't checked the windbreak yet.

Driving seems to be okay, with just a couple of slick patches.

That must be really fustrating, because there doesn't seem to be anything you can do to prevent stuff like that.
On my way in today, I saw that someone had made a snowman (well, snowwoman, I guess!) and had dressed it in a garish pink/black bikini. I laughed the rest of the way in.
"LOL. Well, Tuesday is the great thaw... I'm looking forward to it."

Or so they are telling us today. Which means tomorrow we will get another foot.