So, I'm coming into work this morning...


Staff member
... and this lady backs into me at a red light! Now my beautiful black truck has some yellow paint on its bumper!

Stupid drivers!
Was she talking on a cell phone ?
I was in town the other day, second car back from a red light. The light turned green and the car in front did not move, I gave here about 50 seconds and then tapped my horn. she had to lay down her cell phone to give me the finger ;)
Yeah, she had insurance, and she wasn't on the cell as far as I know until after she hit me. She called the cops on herself. She was extremely apologetic, but never gave any reason that she backed up....

I'm baffled.
I am sure it was just an accident. People make mistakes, thats what insurance is for! Living in our world you have to expect some bumps and bruses sometimes!
I backed into a car the other day, a Lexis. No damage what so ever, it was just a mistake on my part. I was looking, but thought I had room.

The dude FREAKED OUT, yelling at me and all. I said I was sorry, got out of the car and saw that there was no damage. I said, "there is no damage, do you want a police report?" The dude said no, but kept yelling at me and screaming and stuff. As I pulled away I said, "You are going to have a tough life if you dont learn that sometimes people make mistakes."
I think it makes the situation better when people who are at fault actually apologize.
But Damo, you are a reasonable republican ;)
An alltogether too rare species lately, but are growing in number.
btw Damo, yellow is sometimes the color of the plastic bumper, If you have a plastic bumper it might not buff out.