There Can be Only One!
After Columbine, a bunch of NRA and gun manufacturer execs, locked themselves in a room and decided - are we going to be part of the solution or are we going to use this to our advantage to drive gun sales.
They chose to use it to their advantage. So they sent Chuck Norris out there who said, "cold dead hand" and changed the NRA from a gun safety organization to an organization that represents only gun manufacturers and ammo manufacturers.
That's where Republicans have learned this "All other nothing, "fuck you" strategy. It's the NRA who taught them. Wow!
That's why the NRA meeting went forward this weekend. They examined their soul to see if they had one and guess what? Still gone.
Who knew?
They chose to use it to their advantage. So they sent Chuck Norris out there who said, "cold dead hand" and changed the NRA from a gun safety organization to an organization that represents only gun manufacturers and ammo manufacturers.
That's where Republicans have learned this "All other nothing, "fuck you" strategy. It's the NRA who taught them. Wow!
That's why the NRA meeting went forward this weekend. They examined their soul to see if they had one and guess what? Still gone.
Who knew?