So much for 2006 Demmies


Lying, deceiving work-shirkers like cypriss always love to tout the latest polls showing a big advantage for Dems with registered voters...and he's right.

Here's the problem, among LIKELY voters, the parties are even. Cypriss doesn't understand that there are plenty of Dems (like leaningright for instance) who have very little interest in voting for candidates of today's Liberal Democrat party, despite being registered as Dems, they are more interested in supporting Repubs.

When it comes down to it, the Liberals of today who are trying to get rights for terrorists in Guantanamo, more welfare programs, massive new social welfare spending initiatives like universal healthcare and for more taxes in most areas are just not things regular America is sold on.

Gas prices should go down even more and with them the Dems hopes which are only ever based on manufactured strife anyway...
how can you oppose universal healthcare, when you are for spending billions on iraq... thats what makes me think your hypocritical... sorry... i can see all your points, and most are valid, but you ahve no reservations about blowing billions on iraq and lies.
Your argument is like saying if you were married to lazypig and you argued with her over her spending cash on bingo when she should be spending it on lottery tickets, because hey money just has to be spent right?
dano...wanna bet that democrats don't pick up seats in both chambers and get a net increase in governorships?


wanna put your money where your mouth is?
why then don't you ever post on it.. ahhh yes.. its b/c wars end, and government programs never do...

Rob, which would you say impacts you more today?
The SS program launched in the 30's or the war in Cuba from 100 years ago.

Yes I do care more about the future than the present and I do sometimes make decisions on lesser of 2 evils.
dano you would be proud of me... voted for R's

except for Lamont, i liked him and he is a lefty liberal D but i never ever voted for R's before...
Rob, which would you say impacts you more today?
The SS program launched in the 30's or the war in Cuba from 100 years ago.

Yes I do care more about the future than the present and I do sometimes make decisions on lesser of 2 evils.

how about the Iraq war going on and projected to cost at least 2 trillion dollars :)
dano you would be proud of me... voted for R's

except for Lamont, i liked him and he is a lefty liberal D but i never ever voted for R's before...

Cool, for all I bitch about northeast Repubs voting records, they are still better than northeast Dem voting records.
Honestly I think they're a better fit for you based on local issues. I noticed all the lefties on here are just trying to get you to think about Iraq and nothing but.
Gas prices should go down even more and with them the Dems hopes which are only ever based on manufactured strife anyway...

Whose policies produced the high gas prices, the manufactured strife that you are claiming the Dems hopes are pinned on????
Whose policies produced the high gas prices, the manufactured strife that you are claiming the Dems hopes are pinned on????
If you're trying to imply that strife in Iraq created instability in world oil markets, might I remind you that before the Iraq invasion there was virtually no Iraqi oil in the market because of sanctions on Saddam - just pitiful small amounts in the UN's oil-for-food exchange.

Sorry try again dolt.
One big reason is a non-existant hurricane season not disrupting supply (much to the leftist global warming theorists dismay).
If you're trying to imply that strife in Iraq created instability in world oil markets, might I remind you that before the Iraq invasion there was virtually no Iraqi oil in the market because of sanctions on Saddam - just pitiful small amounts in the UN's oil-for-food exchange.

Sorry try again dolt.
One big reason is a non-existant hurricane season not disrupting supply (much to the leftist global warming theorists dismay).
You are the dolt Dano dolto. The experts on oil disagree with you.
On the eve of Speaker Pelosi's ascension to the podium, I thought it would nostalgic to rub dano's nose in his assinine prediction.

hey does it feel to be dead wrong?
"dano...wanna bet that democrats don't pick up seats in both chambers and get a net increase in governorships?


wanna put your money where your mouth is?"

In 2008?

I'll take that bet. (if it is open to me)

No way do they pick up seats in both houses and the gov's.