So my brother is moving to Lincoln, NE...

there's a guy from my office moving to Nebraska too! He has four little girls though so I can kind of see how he'd be motivated to be back with his family. It doesn't sound like you have a lot of family in NE though.
Well, I'm sure he can get a good deal on realestate there. That's the only positive I can think of. I hear Nebraskan corn is good. At least he'll be regular........if he likes corn.
He'll have to come here on Christmas, we aren't going to see him.

Sounds like me with my friend in Detroit. I pretty much wrote off any trips to see him and his wife when he said he was going to be in that crap hole.
Hmm Detroit ranked most Liberal city

and Tiana acknowledges it as a craphole...if only lefties could make that oh so difficult connection...

Used to live in a northern suburb of Detroit and worked in the medical school downtown. It was like driving into a war zone. The parking garage had 24-hr. armed guards, and you NEVER walked anywhere for lunch. It was pretty scary. The suburbs are really nice, though.
Actually I've found in my experience that a lot of people particularly in the suburbs of Detroit are pretty racist. That's one of my main beefs with Detroit.
Actually I've found in my experience that a lot of people particularly in the suburbs of Detroit are pretty racist. That's one of my main beefs with Detroit.

Yes, I did hear some comments that were pretty shocking for this time in (I thought) civilization. It was quite an eye-opener at times. That doesn't change the very real danger in the city core, though.

Not long before we left, a postdoc from the med. school was walking home from work, was accosted by a 12-year-old boy with a gun who demanded money. She ignored him and continued to walk away, whereupon he shot her in the back and killed her. "But he's always been such a good boy" ... according to his loving Grandmother ... This seemed to be pretty much a daily occurrence in Detroit.
Yes, I did hear some comments that were pretty shocking for this time in (I thought) civilization. It was quite an eye-opener at times. That doesn't change the very real danger in the city core, though.

Not long before we left, a postdoc from the med. school was walking home from work, was accosted by a 12-year-old boy with a gun who demanded money. She ignored him and continued to walk away, whereupon he shot her in the back and killed her. "But he's always been such a good boy" ... according to his loving Grandmother ... This seemed to be pretty much a daily occurrence in Detroit.

All hte more reason to stay the heck out of there.