So now the US govt will sieze Chiquita's assets ?


Villified User
US banana firm must pay $25m fine
United Self Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC) - file picture
Chiquita said it made "protection" payments after threats to staff
A US judge has confirmed a $25m (£12.5m) fine on banana company Chiquita for having given protection money to Colombian paramilitary groups.

In March, Chiquita pleaded guilty to paying $1.7m (£850,000) to the United Self Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC).

The firm said its only motive was the safety of its Colombian workers.

It agreed to pay the $25m to resolve an inquiry by the US justice department, a settlement that Judge Royce Lamberth has now authorised.

Prosecutors had said Chiquita Brands International paid the money between 1997 and 2004 to the AUC in return for "protection".

The AUC, which is listed by the US and EU as a terrorist organisation, has carried out massacres and assassinations, although it is now engaged in a peace process in Colombia

Prosecutors said Chiquita also made payments to Cololombia's main left-wing rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc).
Why does Chiquita get fined and other go to jail for dealing with terrorists ?
sounds klike we need some Chiquita execs in Gitmo.