APP - So the New Democrat narrative is

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Once out of office, President Trump will be indicted.

But the question remains who will indict him?

The AG of a New Democrat administration?

I think every democrat party candidate should be asked that question.

“If you win the Presidency will you indict President Trump based solely on the Mueller investigation”

If the AG of an incoming administration doesn’t do it, then who will?

A democrat state? Why don’t they do that now? OLC guidelines don’t apply to states.

The left is being played by all this impeach/indict talk

The democrat party knows it is political suicide to do it

But they also know that if they throw in the towel that their rabid base will turn on them and likely not turn out in 2020
They rightly fear an invisible dem presence in the fall.

They would be smarter to fear a shift in the mushy middle.