So Whats for dinner???


I'm really tired of this banter of she said/he said and political I heated up the BBQ and put on some chicken ...seasoned with lemon,pepper and herb rub..for a side dish...Spanish rice(yellow) and a Italian salad to top it off ...with a beer(if thats okay with the ya are a drunk crowd) mind maybe I betta go with a Ice Tea(green) or a coke with a 'Lime Twist' don't want to offend amnyone!(just a slurred pun for Darla,cippie and USC...maybe 'Ensign Pulver' too!

So what are y'all doing for 'Dinner'???
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Just cause I can..and all this attacking on poor little what are y'all having for dinner..besides having fun attacking a poor soul??? Never mind ya are having the elitist take
I'm really tired of this banter of she said/he said and political I heated up the BBQ and put on some chicken ...seasoned with lemon,pepper and herb rub..for a side dish...Spanish rice(yellow) and a Italian salad to top it off ...with a beer(if thats okay with the ya are a drunk crowd) mind maybe I betta go with a Ice Tea(green) or a coke with a 'Lime Twist' don't want to offend amnyone!(just a slurred pun for Darla,cippie and USC...maybe 'Ensign Pulver' too!

So what are y'all doing for 'Dinner'???
Sounds like what I did on Saturday, pretty much. And Lo, I saw that it was good.

Tonight is linguini with chicken and pesto. These are not unrelated events. :)

Sounds like what I did on Saturday, pretty much. And Lo, I saw that it was good.

Tonight is linguini with chicken and pesto. These are not unrelated events. :)

sounds very good indeed...opp's the bbq is a smoking..betta turn the chickee...where is darla when ya need her..never mind she is a making mo money on the phone..or something like that!:clink:
Gotta run...chicken is about done..and I am a hungry dude...have fun y'all smacking each other...time for me to chill and enjoy real life...bye-bye for tonight...see y'all tomorrow...maybe!
sounds very good indeed...opp's the bbq is a smoking..betta turn the chickee...where is darla when ya need her..never mind she is a making mo money on the phone..or something like that!:clink:

Dummy, I told you to hire a professional because my arm is tired of beating your ass free of charge.

And unless you are roasting your nuts on that barbeque, I ain't cooking for you.

I thinmk<<<( a slurr or pun-so darla can call me a I will crank up the bbq and try a receipt for 'Mountain Oysters' then send them to darla as she loves to eat nuts..I can't handle them but darla seems too!...or something like wonder her Bo' cut and ran...:cof1:
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Damo, I really am trying to avoid seeing Bottle borne go on and on with his public masturbation. Call me old fashioned, but I dont consider masturbating to be a specator sport.

I was going to feed them to a stray dog anyway.
But USC Darlas under protection at the PETA Ranch...he is one scared dude..hiding in the the fetal position protecting his private parts!

I guess he should have given her the raise without any further "negotiations" then ?
Any man that can't ptotect his own balls does not deserve to keep em ?

I guess he should have given her the raise without any further "negotiations" then ?
Any man that can't ptotect his own balls does not deserve to keep em ?

But you seem to forget that darla likes em' bbq'd...the poor guy was just having a nice Saturday bbq then darla got hungry...go figure!
Darn! you think I am einstein or something. How am I supposed to figure women ?

Never one that is a man can ever figure them out..they love to hate ya...thats all I know...but when the 'big bucks' roll your way...damn ya are a 'stud' no matter your height or weight for that Then again darla likes the nuts...I'm not quite sure if she is talking about chestnuts or 'Mountain Oysters'...she feigns innocent when called out...go figure!:p
Anyone wants to quote him, fine. But when he's busy coming all over the board, with "darla, girls gone wild my balls my dick" then do ME a favor and DON'T.
Sorry darlin'...

Anyone wants to quote him, fine. But when he's busy coming all over the board, with "darla, girls gone wild my balls my dick" then do ME a favor and DON'T.

But you are the one who brought up private parts...not me...I just induldged your fantasy....:rolleyes: