So who wins Bush or Congress...


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Congress has issued subpoenas to Rove and Gonzalez, Bush has vowed to fight those subpoena's citing Presidental Privledge....

Seems to me, if I am remembering Constitutional Law Class correctly, Congress has the right and authority to investigate...

There is more to this than has surfaced, why is Bush fighting this so hard, if it was his right to fire these guys anyway?
Well, it seems obvious, unless you are wearing partisan blinders, why he doesn't want them under oath or even on record.

As to who is going to win this showdown, I don't know. Damo seems to feel it will go to the Supreme Court and they will rule in favor of bush. I tend to believe this adminstration won't want it to get that far, and that they're going to cut a deal before then. But it's hard to predict the actions of lunatics, so we'll see.
all president fight subpeonas on executive priveledge grounds. as i recall, clowtoon did the same thing anytime congress threatened the same with anyone from his staff...of course, you didn't question his reasons, now, did you?
all president fight subpeonas on executive priveledge grounds. as i recall, clowtoon did the same thing anytime congress threatened the same with anyone from his staff...of course, you didn't question his reasons, now, did you?

Not true. Under Reagan, Casper Winberger testifed, Olliver North, Even Reagan himself.

Under President Clinton, Henry Cisneros Testified, as did others I belive.
Well, it seems obvious, unless you are wearing partisan blinders, why he doesn't want them under oath or even on record.

As to who is going to win this showdown, I don't know. Damo seems to feel it will go to the Supreme Court and they will rule in favor of bush. I tend to believe this adminstration won't want it to get that far, and that they're going to cut a deal before then. But it's hard to predict the actions of lunatics, so we'll see.

Where is this discussion with Damo taking place, Id like to read it.
all president fight subpeonas on executive priveledge grounds. as i recall, clowtoon did the same thing anytime congress threatened the same with anyone from his staff...of course, you didn't question his reasons, now, did you?

Sometimes Clinton did attempt to claim executive privilege during the monica stuff. I don't have a breakdown of the instances he tried it in, and the ones he didn't, do you?

The fact remains, Clintons advisers testified in front of Congress. 30 of them, and they did it 47 times.

Tony Snow and the bushies have been claiming, on tv, that it would break some "precident" for bush's advisers to testify before congress. That is an out and out lie, and easily proven as such. Next excuse?
Not true. Under Reagan, Casper Winberger testifed, Olliver North, Even Reagan himself.

Under President Clinton, Henry Cisneros Testified, as did others I belive.

Yes...Harold Ickes, George Stephanopoulos, John Podesta, Bruce Lindsey, and others. Without a doubt, very senior advisors.