APP - So why is the left pushing the "white supremacists are doing this" lie?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It is funny to see the leftists try to pass off the looting and violence as being committed by "white supremacists". It is so stupid and laughable one wonders why they are even trying to do it.

The answer is simple. They are scared. Now that Trump has declared ANTIFA a terrorist organization and brought AG Barr into the picture, they have now committed federal crimes. That means Trump and Barr have effectively taken their prosecutions out of the hands of state and local prosecutors who told police to stand down and never punished ANTIFA for their crimes.

You see ANTIFA is nothing more than the para military arm of the democrat party much the same way the Ku Klux Klan was back in the early 1900s. They use masks and subterfuge to commit violence while the democrat party politicians keep their hands clean.

They try to pass ANTIFA off as being anti fascists having their roots in fighting Hitler, but what they don't tell you is that ANTIFA and Hitler were just fighting for the same types of voters. Yes Hitler was a fascist but ANTIF were essentially communists. Both groups sprung out of socialism and were equally totalitarian.

So what does this mean for todays democrat party? Well, they were happy to have ANTIF do their dirty work make some token arrests and let them out the back door.

But, now that they have been labeled a terrorist group, it is in federal hands. And when one of these over privileged white kids is facing 20 years in Leavenworth, I suspect they won't be down for the cause much longer. They will talk.

Now is Trump and Barr's chance to completely destroy ANTIFA. And the bonus is we will see what democrats come out to defend them and expose themselves to the American public

Something to think about. Now that ANTIFA is a terrorist group, RICO statutes come into play

Barr should go after Keith Ellisons son