So you think your smart heh?

Yep sounds about right, porbably has to do with testosterone levels.

the higher the testosterone level the more stupid men act.

ie such things as smashing beer cans on forehead.
and endorsing McCain.


Demographically, I would guess that most men thought the Iraq war was a brilliant idea (some still do - superfreak)

Probably a plurality, or majority of women, thought the Iraq war was unneccessary.

'Nuff said, about intelligence.
That sounds about right.

Sometimes, I think I'm the smartest Mofo on the board. And then that rocket scientist, LadyT, writes something awesome, and I realize I'm just a peon. :(

hah hah!

Flattery will get you everwhere my friend!
I don't consider myself smart. When I think about it I just get depressed, but I can't help despairing about my lot in life. That's where beer and licquor come in...
I was being a smart minor was history...just checkin' to see if ya were a Hillary supporter and thought maybe she was surviving the sinking!:cof1:

sorry--sarcasm doesn't play well here--Hillary unsinkable ?? ya--I think she'll be there at the end if she can avoid being painted as a bigot.
Well dillo..............

sorry--sarcasm doesn't play well here--Hillary unsinkable ?? ya--I think she'll be there at the end if she can avoid being painted as a bigot.

with this ...I think I will go watch the Star Wars Trilogies with the Grandson...

if you get the drift...have a nice night...I think both Hillary and Obama are losers...and I really don't want to get into a political diartribe on a Saturday night...enjoy...Night all!