it's decent, but not great. season 3 sucked. Season 4 was good until the ending which was retarded. I still watch it though. Last week was like . ."damn"
It sucks! I watched like 3-5 episodes and tried to like it, but could not. The acting is really bad or maybe it is the writing, idk. But it is horrible.
It sucks! I watched like 3-5 episodes and tried to like it, but could not. The acting is really bad or maybe it is the writing, idk. But it is horrible.

i would call it a second tier show (first tier being breaking bad, the wire, mad men, game of thrones, and posssibly boardwalk empire)

I would at least keep watching though super. It gets pretty decent for seasons 1 and 2. if you think it's retarded now, you'll face palm all through season 3. but then it gets better again.

the problem with the show is that they have good potential but always fuck it up with some dumb reset button because the writers are usually cowards
What show are you talking about? Oh, wait, Sons Of Anarchy? Never mind, don't watch.
it's decent, but not great. season 3 sucked. Season 4 was good until the ending which was retarded. I still watch it though. Last week was like . ."damn"

Last week's show sure wan't what I expected. :eek2:
Who do you think is behind all the home invasions? I think it's Clay, trying to scheme his way back into being the President of the club.
Last week's show sure wan't what I expected. :eek2:
Who do you think is behind all the home invasions? I think it's Clay, trying to scheme his way back into being the President of the club.

nah i think it has to be some other red herring we haven't seen yet. it's too obvious for clay to be behind it. also, to what end?
i would call it a second tier show (first tier being breaking bad, the wire, mad men, game of thrones, and posssibly boardwalk empire)

Haven't seen breaking bad or boardwalk empire, but given you all recommended game of thrones and that was pretty cool, I may have to check them out.

I would add Modern Family to your first tier list. Maybe Big Bang theory and How I met your mother as well...
the problem with the show is that they have good potential but always fuck it up with some dumb reset button because the writers are usually cowards

Bingo. The show sucks because FX lost all its grit with The Shield. Seriously I want SOA to be a good show just like I want the Walking Dead to be a good show. But neither is, though the latter shows SOME promise for season 3 being decent.
yeah walking dead has some dumb cliche stuff too, but i still like it overall. as long as you don't try and overanalyze it too much.
yeah walking dead has some dumb cliche stuff too, but i still like it overall. as long as you don't try and overanalyze it too much.

Dude, it sucks. It's supposed to be awesome and has all the elements but instead of it being about complex group dynamics rebuilding society, or about how people survive during the apocalypse, it's about a bunch of childish Real World bullshit "abortion pills!" "save the zombies!" "my baby!" God damn it's annoying! The gang that sheltered old people? Fuck no, they should have been hardcore fucking raiders.
you say it sucks but you've seen both seasons and are planning on watching the third ;)

face it, people don't watch shows they truly think sucks. Yes it could be better, but it's still pretty decent. Yes I want lorrie to die. Also kinda want the blonde chick to die as well.
you say it sucks but you've seen both seasons and are planning on watching the third ;)

face it, people don't watch shows they truly think sucks. Yes it could be better, but it's still pretty decent. Yes I want lorrie to die. Also kinda want the blonde chick to die as well.

I watch it because I hope it will get good. I did the same with SOA. My honest to god hope is that the gang at the prison kills everyone except Daryl and they go on for 4 seasons slaughtering zombies and raiding pussy survior groups.
Dude, it sucks. It's supposed to be awesome and has all the elements but instead of it being about complex group dynamics rebuilding society, or about how people survive during the apocalypse, it's about a bunch of childish Real World bullshit "abortion pills!" "save the zombies!" "my baby!" God damn it's annoying! The gang that sheltered old people? Fuck no, they should have been hardcore fucking raiders.

That figures.

I only saw season 1. It was okay, but hard to tolerate the two male leads over the top acting or again maybe they were just written poorly. Real people are not that cartoonish in their behavior.
SOA/DMW is to BB like an early John Wayne movie is to the Spaghetti Westerns.

True Grit was pretty good, though.