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Representative Bill Flores echoed criticism of the Sandy relief bill during a local radio interview. Congress “went crazy with it, packing it full of pork,” he said. “Most people don’t realize that the $51 billion bill included spending for almost all 50 states” as well as Guam, the Virgin Islands and American Samoa.

But these claims are hyperbolic and misleading.

Of 23 examples of extraneous spending that a spokesman for Mr. Cruz provided, all but one — $195 million in discretionary funds for the secretary of health and human services — were Sandy-related or sought to mitigate future storms, as the law required.The spokesman also pointed to a Congressional Quarterly analysis that said that $17 billion in the bill went toward immediate aid for Sandy victims while $33.5 billion was for “near- and long-term assistance and mitigation” of damage from future disasters.

But providing nonemergency aid and preparing for future storms are not the same as spending on projects that are entirely unrelated to Sandy.

Mr. Cruz’s original claim — that just $16 billion to $17 billion was actually connected to disaster relief — is similarly not plausible, as is evident from even a cursory look at the CQ analysis and another breakdown of the aid from the Congressional Research Service.More than $28 billion was allocated to programs for Sandy relief. They included money for the Federal Emergency Management disaster fund ($11.5 billion), repairs for damaged transit systems ($10.9 billion), repairs to damaged Army Corps of Engineers projects and dredging ($5.35 billion), disaster loans to small business ($520 million) and emergency farm, food and conservation assistance ($224
facebook just admitted they sold the russians ad space for FAKE ARTICLES

they created fake stories from fake sites and made you idiots believe them
Is that like the republicans who voted against Sandy relief, but now beg for money for Texas?

Fake news.

Democrats who were eager to bypass the budgeting process loaded Sandy relief down with billions in pork.

Here’s the CBO score.

Here's the appropriations bill as passed and signed into law:

The summary is here:

Since I don't believe you will read the official documents (or understand them if you do), here are some extracts:

24 billion dollars of the funds weren’t anticipated to be disbursed until 2016 or later. The hurricane was in 2012.

According to CBO, almost $4 billion of the spending in that bill wasn't even for emergencies: $3.459 billion was designated as non-emergency spending.

16,000,000,000 dollars was earmarked for Community Development Block Grants (11 billion higher than HUD was requesting at the time)
600,000,000 was set aside for State and Tribal Assistance Grants under the EPA
348,000,000 for “construction” for the National Park Service
100,000,000 was included for the Head Start progam
50,000,000 was included for the Historic Preservation Fund
50,000,000 was penciled in for “construction” for Fish and Wildlife Services
24,000,000 was set aside for the Defense Working Capital Fund
10,000,000 was designated to Small Business Administration
4,400,000 was budgeted for “capital improvement” to the Forestry Service
2,000,000 was given to the Smithsonian to fix a leaky roof
1,000,000 was spent on new cars for the DEA
1,000,000 went to the Legal Services Corporation

Fake news.

Democrats who were eager to bypass the budgeting process loaded Sandy relief down with billions in pork.

Here’s the CBO score.

Here's the appropriations bill as passed and signed into law:

The summary is here:

Since I don't believe you will read the official documents (or understand them if you do), here are some extracts:

24 billion dollars of the funds weren’t anticipated to be disbursed until 2016 or later. The hurricane was in 2012.

According to CBO, almost $4 billion of the spending in that bill wasn't even for emergencies: $3.459 billion was designated as non-emergency spending.

16,000,000,000 dollars was earmarked for Community Development Block Grants (11 billion higher than HUD was requesting at the time)
600,000,000 was set aside for State and Tribal Assistance Grants under the EPA
348,000,000 for “construction” for the National Park Service
100,000,000 was included for the Head Start progam
50,000,000 was included for the Historic Preservation Fund
50,000,000 was penciled in for “construction” for Fish and Wildlife Services
24,000,000 was set aside for the Defense Working Capital Fund
10,000,000 was designated to Small Business Administration
4,400,000 was budgeted for “capital improvement” to the Forestry Service
2,000,000 was given to the Smithsonian to fix a leaky roof
1,000,000 was spent on new cars for the DEA
1,000,000 went to the Legal Services Corporation


rebuilding what was destroyed you idiot
I'm not a fan of Lyin' Ted myself.

This isn't about him, it's about pork in the Sandy relief bill.

I noticed that none of you bothered to attempt to refute the CBO's analysis of the Sandy relief bill.

I think I know why.
rebuilding what was destroyed you idiot

You think Hurricane Sandy destroyed everything that relief bill appropriated funds for?

OK, make a list of everything that was included in the bill, with the amount that was authorized and the amount that was eventually obligated and disbursed.

Then compare it with where, and when the money was spent.

I'll wait.
this is one gay thread. what I mean is , that, social media is gay. it is designed for the current middle school/ elementary/ graduate indoctrinees/ brainwashes/ victims.
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