APP - Social Responsibility in New York Parks.


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Plastic boxes hung up for disposal of 'Sharps', as they are labelled in Canada, but mostly for hypodermic syringes. We see them in many public washrooms and lots of places where syringes left on the ground become a real hazard to park users and especially children. If this is the first example of this in the US then it's years too late in coming. How many American children have already contacted diseases from carelessly thrown away syringes?

My apologies for the similarity with another thread on this section that hasn't had any attention. It's just that it's such a great example of social responsibility by N.Y. that it needs to be mentioned and applauded. And it's a great example to tout of how spending a bit of money on a socially responsible idea can save billions in the future in health care for the victims of careless disposal of syringes.

Nobody is banned from this thread and in fact rightists are encouraged to comment. I suspect this kind of socially responsible action is old hat to leftists.
To kick it off and reply to my own thread; Maybe one of the reasons that contribute to US health care being nearly twice as expensive per capita to the taxpayer is Americans rejection of socially responsible ideas such as this?

The rightist attitude is always to take a kneejerk position against such hugely sensible measures because they see red when they see something that can be related to taxation. Never understanding how spending a little saves a lot.

US style for profit health care?
US prison system?

Two examples of the worst in the modern world and also the most costly in the civilized and modern world.

gotta sve wot's tackus billy bob, wot's bad. (to keep it light)