Social Security/State Aid Fraud


JPP Modarater

"TACOMA, Washington (AP) -- A woman admitted Monday that she coached her two children to fake retardation starting when they were 4 and 8 years old so she could collect Social Security benefits on their behalf.

Rosie Costello, 46, admitted in U.S. District Court that she collected more than $280,000 in benefits, beginning in the mid-1980s. Most was from Social Security, but the state social services agency paid $53,000."

This really pisses me off. I think they should throw the book at this woman. I get especially upset thinking about the people who really needed that money getting left out in the cold or people that have had their benefits cuts due to lack of funding.

I also think that we should encourage people to snitch out people that are scamming the system and give hte people that turn them in 10% of the would be annual payout.