Socialism Has Been ESSENTIAL for Red State Survival


1960s Chick Magnet
It's not just the dirt road hell holes like Mississippi and Arkansas.

Even red states like Texas and Florida survive on Blue State tax money.
They get literally billions of Blue State tax dollars more than they put in the pot.

If the Blue States called a constitutional convention of their own, all the Red State parasites like the ones posting on this forum would be living a third world life.

Where do they get the effrontery to even think that they're entitled to an opinion? New Yorkers and Californians are feeding, clothing, and sheltering them. The banjofucks and bullshit blobs of the world
are accusing the very people who are feeding them of sucking off the government teat. How much of a fucking moron would one have to be to afford them any attention, never mind credibility, at all?

So here is why my excessively timid friends on the progressive side of the isle are wrong in calling for unity.
We're the ones in a position of dominance. We're just too soft hearted to take advantage of it.

A trumpanzee starving to death is an amusing thought to me. It should be to you as well.
We have the money and thus the power. We tell them that things are going to be done our way, or they'll be done our way with them drifting loose on their own.
They can't do a goddamned thing about it. Are they going to war with the shotguns on the back window of their pickups, the fucking hayseeds?
A couple of them went to Phily with a truck full of M16s, and a couple of fat, middle-aged Phily cops with a glock in one hand and a jelly donut in the other had them in a paddy wagon in about two seconds.

Fuck trumpanzees. And fuck their jesus-freak mothers for carrying them to term.
Pity for trumpanzee troglodytes is a weakness.

That's why it's important to be a hard left social progressive, not a panty-waist, snowflake, woke liberal.
We can crush them, but the cowards on our own side are getting in the way.
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How many times must this idiocy come up and be crushed before it is put to rest?

When you take all federal spending in a state and make a sweeping generality like the one above, you get a lie as the result. You have to separate fixed and non-state related federal spending from state spending. That is, federal spending on say BLM, national forest, national park, and other federal land is fixed by location. Yellowstone park is where it is and all spending on it is tied to that location. That shouldn't be counted as part of what a state gets from the feds.
The same goes for military spending. Bases and ports are where they are. Money going to those shouldn't be counted as part of a state's funding.

So, until you pull those funds out of the mix, you have a skewed and inaccurate picture of what a state is receiving. For example, states that have the largest number of welfare and other similar federal assistance program funding are almost all blue states.

The picture is far more complicated than a simple percentage or overall dollar value would show.
How many times must this idiocy come up and be crushed before it is put to rest?

When you take all federal spending in a state and make a sweeping generality like the one above, you get a lie as the result. You have to separate fixed and non-state related federal spending from state spending. That is, federal spending on say BLM, national forest, national park, and other federal land is fixed by location. Yellowstone park is where it is and all spending on it is tied to that location. That shouldn't be counted as part of what a state gets from the feds.
The same goes for military spending. Bases and ports are where they are. Money going to those shouldn't be counted as part of a state's funding.

So, until you pull those funds out of the mix, you have a skewed and inaccurate picture of what a state is receiving. For example, states that have the largest number of welfare and other similar federal assistance program funding are almost all blue states.

The picture is far more complicated than a simple percentage or overall dollar value would show.

Total bullshit, and obvious at that.
If you really think that you can make it on your own, secede again.
This time we'll let you.
And if you don't, then we should.
It's not just the dirt road hell holes like Mississippi and Arkansas.

Even red states like Texas and Florida survive on Blue State tax money.
They get literally billions of Blue State tax dollars more than they put in the pot.

If the Blue States called a constitutional convention of their own, all the Red State parasites like the ones posting on this forum would be living a third world life.

Where do they get the effrontery to even think that they're entitled to an opinion? New Yorkers and Californians are feeding, clothing, and sheltering them. The banjofucks and bullshit blobs of the world
are accusing the very people who are feeding them of sucking off the government teat. How much of a fucking moron would one have to be to afford them any attention, never mind credibility, at all?

So here is why my excessively timid friends on the progressive side of the isle are wrong in calling for unity.
We're the ones in a position of dominance. We're just too soft hearted to take advantage of it.

A trumpanzee starving to death is an amusing thought to me. It should be to you as well.
We have the money and thus the power. We tell them that things are going to be done our way, or they'll be done our way with them drifting loose on their own.
They can't do a goddamned thing about it. Are they going to war with the shotguns on the back window of their pickups, the fucking hayseeds?
A couple of them went to Phily with a truck full of M16s, and a couple of fat, middle-aged Phily cops with a glock in one hand and a jelly donut in the other had them in a paddy wagon in about two seconds.

Fuck trumpanzees. And fuck their jesus-freak mothers for carrying them to term.
Pity for trumpanzee troglodytes is a weakness.

That's why it's important to be a hard left social progressive, not a panty-waist, snowflake, woke liberal.
We can crush them, but the cowards on our own side are getting in the way.

With the bolded you're basically saying forget critical race theory, the work of Ibram Kendi & Robin DiAngelo, the renewed push for racial equality etc. and focus strictly on economic socialism. It's not all that different than what Stone By Stone argues for on this board, except he wants racial separatism along with democratic socialism.

You'll find small pockets of support for what you want around the country but generally speaking the colorblindness you want doesn't fly in progressive circles today.
With the bolded you're basically saying forget critical race theory, the work of Ibram Kendi & Robin DiAngelo, the renewed push for racial equality etc. and focus strictly on economic socialism. It's not all that different than what Stone By Stone argues for on this board, except he wants racial separatism along with democratic socialism.

You'll find small pockets of support for what you want around the country but generally speaking the colorblindness you want doesn't fly in progressive circles today.

If it truly doesn't, that merely illustrates that attempts at a multi-cultural state fail even without racial and ethnic discrimination. In-faction tribalism is enough.
It's not just the dirt road hell holes like Mississippi and Arkansas.

Even red states like Texas and Florida survive on Blue State tax money.
They get literally billions of Blue State tax dollars more than they put in the pot.

If the Blue States called a constitutional convention of their own, all the Red State parasites like the ones posting on this forum would be living a third world life.

Where do they get the effrontery to even think that they're entitled to an opinion? New Yorkers and Californians are feeding, clothing, and sheltering them. The banjofucks and bullshit blobs of the world
are accusing the very people who are feeding them of sucking off the government teat. How much of a fucking moron would one have to be to afford them any attention, never mind credibility, at all?

So here is why my excessively timid friends on the progressive side of the isle are wrong in calling for unity.
We're the ones in a position of dominance. We're just too soft hearted to take advantage of it.

A trumpanzee starving to death is an amusing thought to me. It should be to you as well.
We have the money and thus the power. We tell them that things are going to be done our way, or they'll be done our way with them drifting loose on their own.
They can't do a goddamned thing about it. Are they going to war with the shotguns on the back window of their pickups, the fucking hayseeds?
A couple of them went to Phily with a truck full of M16s, and a couple of fat, middle-aged Phily cops with a glock in one hand and a jelly donut in the other had them in a paddy wagon in about two seconds.

Fuck trumpanzees. And fuck their jesus-freak mothers for carrying them to term.
Pity for trumpanzee troglodytes is a weakness.

That's why it's important to be a hard left social progressive, not a panty-waist, snowflake, woke liberal.
We can crush them, but the cowards on our own side are getting in the way.

There are many instances for what is basically welfare for the wealthy. Trump himself has benefited. Apparently there have been years where he paid no income tax at all. Even though he is a multi billionaire.
Total bullshit, and obvious at that.
If you really think that you can make it on your own, secede again.
This time we'll let you.
And if you don't, then we should.

Ignoring the obvious and total insult rather than reasoned response here...

Really? Which state would do better without federal funding, California or Arizona?

California is $54.3 billion in debt right now and relies on federal money to cover gaps in expenses because of that debt.

California is the most indebted state with an outstanding debt of $152.80 billion during the 2019 fiscal year. New York comes second with an outstanding debt of $139.20 billion. Although the two states have a high Gross State Product of $3091.2 billion and $ 1738.4 billion respectively, making them the richest states, their burden of debts is enormous. The two states require huge amounts to reimburse the debts each year, a factor that has dwarfed development. with an outstanding debt of $139.20 billion.


Overall, Arizona is in much better shape to weather a loss of federal funding than California. For California, that loss would be disastrous. For Arizona it would hurt in the short-term but could be managed.

The states that are most likely to tank economically from a loss of federal funds are mostly blue ones like California, New York, or Illinois.
It's not just the dirt road hell holes like Mississippi and Arkansas.

Even red states like Texas and Florida survive on Blue State tax money.
They get literally billions of Blue State tax dollars more than they put in the pot.

If the Blue States called a constitutional convention of their own, all the Red State parasites like the ones posting on this forum would be living a third world life.

Where do they get the effrontery to even think that they're entitled to an opinion? New Yorkers and Californians are feeding, clothing, and sheltering them. The banjofucks and bullshit blobs of the world
are accusing the very people who are feeding them of sucking off the government teat. How much of a fucking moron would one have to be to afford them any attention, never mind credibility, at all?

So here is why my excessively timid friends on the progressive side of the isle are wrong in calling for unity.
We're the ones in a position of dominance. We're just too soft hearted to take advantage of it.

A trumpanzee starving to death is an amusing thought to me. It should be to you as well.
We have the money and thus the power. We tell them that things are going to be done our way, or they'll be done our way with them drifting loose on their own.
They can't do a goddamned thing about it. Are they going to war with the shotguns on the back window of their pickups, the fucking hayseeds?
A couple of them went to Phily with a truck full of M16s, and a couple of fat, middle-aged Phily cops with a glock in one hand and a jelly donut in the other had them in a paddy wagon in about two seconds.

Fuck trumpanzees. And fuck their jesus-freak mothers for carrying them to term.
Pity for trumpanzee troglodytes is a weakness.

That's why it's important to be a hard left social progressive, not a panty-waist, snowflake, woke liberal.
We can crush them, but the cowards on our own side are getting in the way.

A lot of the money going to the states includes Social Security and Medicare. More seniors go to the Southern and red states. The federal government would be sending seniors those benefits regardless of what state they live in.

Only about ten states are donor states, the others get more back in benefits than they pay in taxes.
It's not just the dirt road hell holes like Mississippi and Arkansas.

Even red states like Texas and Florida survive on Blue State tax money.
They get literally billions of Blue State tax dollars more than they put in the pot.

If the Blue States called a constitutional convention of their own, all the Red State parasites like the ones posting on this forum would be living a third world life.

Where do they get the effrontery to even think that they're entitled to an opinion? New Yorkers and Californians are feeding, clothing, and sheltering them. The banjofucks and bullshit blobs of the world
are accusing the very people who are feeding them of sucking off the government teat. How much of a fucking moron would one have to be to afford them any attention, never mind credibility, at all?

So here is why my excessively timid friends on the progressive side of the isle are wrong in calling for unity.
We're the ones in a position of dominance. We're just too soft hearted to take advantage of it.

A trumpanzee starving to death is an amusing thought to me. It should be to you as well.
We have the money and thus the power. We tell them that things are going to be done our way, or they'll be done our way with them drifting loose on their own.
They can't do a goddamned thing about it. Are they going to war with the shotguns on the back window of their pickups, the fucking hayseeds?
A couple of them went to Phily with a truck full of M16s, and a couple of fat, middle-aged Phily cops with a glock in one hand and a jelly donut in the other had them in a paddy wagon in about two seconds.

Fuck trumpanzees. And fuck their jesus-freak mothers for carrying them to term.
Pity for trumpanzee troglodytes is a weakness.

That's why it's important to be a hard left social progressive, not a panty-waist, snowflake, woke liberal.
We can crush them, but the cowards on our own side are getting in the way.

Making shit up again. Argument from randU fallacies.
There are many instances for what is basically welfare for the wealthy. Trump himself has benefited. Apparently there have been years where he paid no income tax at all. Even though he is a multi billionaire.

Not paying a tax is not welfare.
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making shit up again.
A lot of the money going to the states includes Social Security and Medicare. More seniors go to the Southern and red states. The federal government would be sending seniors those benefits regardless of what state they live in.

Only about ten states are donor states, the others get more back in benefits than they pay in taxes.

Let's partition anyway and see how it works out. Even if it's just those ten or so donor states. I'm sure that mine is one of them.

Connecticut (- $4,000)
New Jersey (- $2,368)
Massachusetts (- $2,343)
New York (- $1,792)
North Dakota (- $720)
Illinois (- $364)
New Hampshire (- $234)
Washington (- $184)
Nebraska (- $164)
Colorado (- $95)

As a matter of fact, North Dakota and Nebraska don't even have to join us. We'll take California instead.
There are many instances for what is basically welfare for the wealthy. Trump himself has benefited. Apparently there have been years where he paid no income tax at all. Even though he is a multi billionaire.

No such thing as welfare for the wealthy.
Let's partition anyway and see how it works out. Even if it's just those ten or so donor states. I'm sure that mine is one of them.

Connecticut (- $4,000)
New Jersey (- $2,368)
Massachusetts (- $2,343)
New York (- $1,792)
North Dakota (- $720)
Illinois (- $364)
New Hampshire (- $234)
Washington (- $184)
Nebraska (- $164)
Colorado (- $95)

As a matter of fact, North Dakota and Nebraska don't even have to join us. We'll take California instead.

You can have California. Hopefully, one of the many illegals there will Kate Steinle you family.
The Biden-Harris Administration will restore the fair and equitable burden of taxation by eliminating Trump's unfair tax deductions, including the SALT tax limits that placed unconscionable burdens on the more populous and progressive states.

There are also plans to make federal disbursements to so-called Red states contingent upon acceptance of progressive policy decisions.
It's not just the dirt road hell holes like Mississippi and Arkansas.

Even red states like Texas and Florida survive on Blue State tax money.
They get literally billions of Blue State tax dollars more than they put in the pot.

If the Blue States called a constitutional convention of their own, all the Red State parasites like the ones posting on this forum would be living a third world life.

Where do they get the effrontery to even think that they're entitled to an opinion? New Yorkers and Californians are feeding, clothing, and sheltering them. The banjofucks and bullshit blobs of the world
are accusing the very people who are feeding them of sucking off the government teat. How much of a fucking moron would one have to be to afford them any attention, never mind credibility, at all?

So here is why my excessively timid friends on the progressive side of the isle are wrong in calling for unity.
We're the ones in a position of dominance. We're just too soft hearted to take advantage of it.

A trumpanzee starving to death is an amusing thought to me. It should be to you as well.
We have the money and thus the power. We tell them that things are going to be done our way, or they'll be done our way with them drifting loose on their own.
They can't do a goddamned thing about it. Are they going to war with the shotguns on the back window of their pickups, the fucking hayseeds?
A couple of them went to Phily with a truck full of M16s, and a couple of fat, middle-aged Phily cops with a glock in one hand and a jelly donut in the other had them in a paddy wagon in about two seconds.

Fuck trumpanzees. And fuck their jesus-freak mothers for carrying them to term.
Pity for trumpanzee troglodytes is a weakness.

That's why it's important to be a hard left social progressive, not a panty-waist, snowflake, woke liberal.
We can crush them, but the cowards on our own side are getting in the way.

I dare say, you've gone quite insane.
The Biden-Harris Administration will restore the fair and equitable burden of taxation by eliminating Trump's unfair tax deductions, including the SALT tax limits that placed unconscionable burdens on the more populous and progressive states.

There are also plans to make federal disbursements to so-called Red states contingent upon acceptance of progressive policy decisions.

Fascism is not legal in the United States. You have this thing called the Constitution in the way, you see.