Socialists Marry The Worst To The Best


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Sanders’s 1988 honeymoon trip to the Soviet Union in fact included stops in Moscow, Leningrad, and Yaroslavl. Looking back at Sanders’s trip last year in the Washington Post, Michael Kranish reported: “Returning to Vermont, Sanders held an hour-long news conference in which he extolled Russian policies on housing and health care, while criticizing the cost of both in the United States — and boasted that he was willing to criticize his homeland.”

Kranish’s account concludes:

Sanders, meanwhile, was so enthused by the trip that he soon began planning his next foreign venture: a visit to Cuba the following year, during his last month as mayor.

“Under Castro, enormous progress has been made in improving the lives of poor people,” Sanders said before leaving, while noting “enormous deficiencies” in democratic rights. While he failed in his goal to meet Fidel Castro, he returned home with even greater praise than he had for the Soviet Union.

“I did not see a hungry child. I did not see any homeless people,”
Sanders told the Burlington Free Press. While Cuba was “not a perfect society,” he said, the country “not only has free health care but very high-quality health care .?.?. The revolution there is far deeper and more profound than I understood it to be. It really is a revolution in terms of values.”

Posted on February 23, 2020 by Scott Johnson
Stalin’s last laugh

The Dirty Old Commie spouts the same old lies that American Communists preached throughout the Cold War.

The crap one hears about Democrats and Republicans working their tails off to find a compromise on spending and taxation is the same old garbage heard at the end of WWII. A free people were told that Communism and capitalism would Meet in the Middle someday and everything would turn out alright. Marry the best of the best from both systems could not fail.

Breed the best to the best and hope for the best works with thoroughbred race horses. It does not work in politics.

First off, marrying the worst (COMMUNISM) to the best (LIMITED GOVERNMENT) inevitably breeds the worst. More importantly:

1. Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection for the most people in a severely limited form of government.

2. Socialism is a form of government that works for the least number of people.

3. Socialism and capitalism are, and always will be, incompatible.

Most important of all:

4. Frame the debate in terms that will resonate with voters; i.e. Socialism and a free people cannot live side by side. One must disappear so the other can thrive.

Finally, Democrats will try to get away with debating Socialist programs rather than debate the form of government they are demanding for everybody else. Media is on the side of Democrats; so it is up to opponents doing the debating who must not let Democrats get away blending the tax collector’s morality and Socialism’s form of government into a single debating topic. Starting here is essential:

While Democrats must say Socialism, their opponents must always say Communism. In short: Democrats will be forced to doublespeak non-existent differences between the two.

The Dirty Old Commie’s goal does not vary one inch from Communism’s objective at the beginning of the Cold War. In short: Sanders is a stupid man that latched onto a lie that carried him to the U.S. Senate and possibly the White House —— lull Americans into believing that a little Socialism will not hurt.

Back in the late 1940s mainstream media and the education industry entered into a conspiracy of silence which did much to further the Meet in the Middle belief. That vague notion of a compromise between Communism and capitalism prepared Americans for bipartisanship legislation on spending and taxation.

Far too many Americans who were born after the Cold War was underway absorbed Meet in the Middle by osmosis. The fact is: The comrades know very well that there will be no compromise with capitalism, or private enterprise, or private property Rights, or traditional religions when Socialists/Communists have all of the political machinery in their hands.

NOTE: The most important thing about laissez faire capitalism in a representative form of government is that wealth is created and distributed without the private sector citizen forfeiting individual liberty and freedom of choice. No other form of government to date offered the private sector citizen as many individual liberties as laissez faire capitalism offers when it flourishes in a LIMITED representative government.

Democrats will never give up the gains Communism made since the FDR years. To relinquish even one gain means they will have to fight battles they already won. Democrats got to where they are at today step by step. They succeeded in large part without destroying the American work ethic. The work ethic is now in danger of being lost because of the promises the Dirty Old Commie & Company are making. A growing number of Americans already see the work ethic as a sucker’s game when they can get free stuff for not working. Fools never ask:


Basically, Communists convinced a whole of lot fools that the government forcing them to work for strangers is freedom. Count the number of fools who are turning out for the Dirty Old Commie if you want proof.

To make Socialism/Communism work everything has to be taxed, taxed, and taxed again in order to create welfare jobs and build loyalty to bigger government. Oppressive taxation became circulation of the wealth rather than the Communism’s original equal distribution of the wealth lie. As the money circulates through tax and spend programs, a well-paid Socialist middle class, along with millionaire Socialist leeches, live on tax dollars. Welfare to big government Socialists equates to big tax dollars pouring into their bank accounts. The poor remain poor no matter how much the Dirty Old Communist supposedly does for them.

The private sector American was made to pay for it all through coercion combined with the loss of their individual liberties and property Rights. Before American Communists are finished they will succeed where the Soviets failed at creating a productive working class with one purpose in life: Maintain a religious Communist nobility. The concept of a religious Communist monarchy would be humorous were it not for the type of person that is sure to be elevated.

NOTE: Take tax dollar tithing away from American Socialists and their religion will die on the vine. Take the U.N. away from American Socialists and there is no place for them to go.

The fear that the next depression will not play out the same way the Great Depression did keeps the Parasite Class in a perpetual state of insecurity. They, more than anyone, understand that no amount of government power can stop a violent revolution from wiping them out. The czar’s government, with all of its awesome power over an unarmed population, could not stop violent Communists from succeeding. On the plus side no government can stop Communists from being overthrown by force.

As long as the media is dealing the cards the sly-sell works pretty well; however, there is a danger. What happens when enough people finally wake up and decide they do not want to be slaves or Communists by proxy?

And let us not forget God. In my lifetime God and Communism were declared dead by the press. God was quite elderly; so one can charitably assume that euthanasia played a part in the press’ rush to ease the Almighty’s departure.

On the other hand, Communism has always been a very sick lady; so her death was easier to fake. By falsely proclaiming the death of Communism after the Soviet Union imploded, Socialists are doing better than they did when they prematurely announced God’s demise.

There was a method in the Left’s macabre madness. If the public bought Communism’s death while she was still breathing, Socialists could continue their incremental ways with impunity while claiming that Meet in the Middle created a better world just as they prophesied.

Unfortunately, after Socialists/Communists solidify their police powers nobody will have individual liberties and no complaints tolerated.

Finally, the most important thing about laissez faire capitalism in a limited form of government is that wealth is created and shared without the private sector citizen forfeiting individual liberty and freedom of choice. No other form of government to date offered the private sector citizen as many individual liberties as laissez faire capitalism offers when it flourishes in a limited representative government.
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This may shock and amaze you, but worldly people, cultured people, and people who are just plain adventurous do, and have always loved to visit Russia and Moscow. And that is - and has always been true - whether Tsar Nicholas II, Nikita Khrushchev, or Vladimir Putin was sitting in the Kremlin or Winter Palace.

Some people, given the choice, would choose a honeymoon to Russia over a trip to Key West or Myrtle Beach. This may be shocking news to you.

Russia has a deep, riveting, ancient, and impressive culture, history, and aesthetic that would appeal to quite a few people. This is the land of ancient orthodox mysticism, imperial palaces. Russia has world class ballet, world class symphony and opera, the Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, and the Venice of the North. This is the land of Pushkin, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake.

Trump-country has NASCAR, moonshine, and Dollywood.

Some people would even consider a trip or a honeymoon to Russia an adventure of a life time.

I personally find it more believable that Bernie and his wife considered a trip to Russia an adventure and a rare opportunity, more than I believe any rightwing fantasies that Bernie was secretly planning to convert to Bolshevism and carry the torch of worldwide communist revolutionary.

^^ Not a credible link. Try again.

This may shock and amaze you, but worldly people, cultured people, and people who are just plain adventurous do, and have always loved to visit Russia and Moscow. And that is - and has always been true - whether Tsar Nicholas II, Nikita Khrushchev, or Vladimir Putin was sitting in the Kremlin or Winter Palace.

Some people, given the choice, would choose a honeymoon to Russia over a trip to Key West or Myrtle Beach. This may be shocking news to you.

Russia has a deep, riveting, ancient, and impressive culture, history, and aesthetic that would appeal to quite a few people. This is the land of ancient orthodox mysticism, imperial palaces. Russia has world class ballet, world class symphony and opera, the Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, and the Venice of the North. This is the land of Pushkin, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake.

Trump-country has NASCAR, moonshine, and Dollywood.

Some people would even consider a trip or a honeymoon to Russia an adventure of a life time.

I personally find it more believable that Bernie and his wife considered a trip to Russia an adventure and a rare opportunity, more than I believe any rightwing fantasies that Bernie was secretly planning to convert to Bolshevism and carry the torch of worldwide communist revolutionary.


Trump-country has NASCAR, moonshine, and Dollywood.

Low brow stuff
“Returning to Vermont, Sanders held an hour-long news conference in which he extolled Russian policies on housing and health care, while criticizing the cost of both in the United States — and boasted that he was willing to criticize his homeland.”

In other words, he is your typical low IQ, uneducated lefty. :)
This may shock and amaze you, but worldly people, cultured people, and people who are just plain adventurous do, and have always loved to visit Russia and Moscow. And that is - and has always been true - whether Tsar Nicholas II, Nikita Khrushchev, or Vladimir Putin was sitting in the Kremlin or Winter Palace.

Some people, given the choice, would choose a honeymoon to Russia over a trip to Key West or Myrtle Beach. This may be shocking news to you.

Russia has a deep, riveting, ancient, and impressive culture, history, and aesthetic that would appeal to quite a few people. This is the land of ancient orthodox mysticism, imperial palaces. Russia has world class ballet, world class symphony and opera, the Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, and the Venice of the North. This is the land of Pushkin, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake.

Trump-country has NASCAR, moonshine, and Dollywood.

Some people would even consider a trip or a honeymoon to Russia an adventure of a life time.

I personally find it more believable that Bernie and his wife considered a trip to Russia an adventure and a rare opportunity, more than I believe any rightwing fantasies that Bernie was secretly planning to convert to Bolshevism and carry the torch of worldwide communist revolutionary.

Then why all the angst about Russia interference Comrade?
^^ Not a credible link. Try again.

This may shock and amaze you, but worldly people, cultured people, and people who are just plain adventurous do, and have always loved to visit Russia and Moscow. And that is - and has always been true - whether Tsar Nicholas II, Nikita Khrushchev, or Vladimir Putin was sitting in the Kremlin or Winter Palace.

Some people, given the choice, would choose a honeymoon to Russia over a trip to Key West or Myrtle Beach. This may be shocking news to you.

Russia has a deep, riveting, ancient, and impressive culture, history, and aesthetic that would appeal to quite a few people. This is the land of ancient orthodox mysticism, imperial palaces. Russia has world class ballet, world class symphony and opera, the Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, and the Venice of the North. This is the land of Pushkin, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake.

Trump-country has NASCAR, moonshine, and Dollywood.

Some people would even consider a trip or a honeymoon to Russia an adventure of a life time.

I personally find it more believable that Bernie and his wife considered a trip to Russia an adventure and a rare opportunity, more than I believe any rightwing fantasies that Bernie was secretly planning to convert to Bolshevism and carry the torch of worldwide communist revolutionary.


Don't bother with him, he is a troll, copy and pastes shit off of whacked out website's and then moves on to the next, never exchanges, as I said, useless troll
Russia has a deep, riveting, ancient, and impressive culture, history, and aesthetic that would appeal to quite a few people. This is the land of ancient orthodox mysticism, imperial palaces. Russia has world class ballet, world class symphony and opera, the Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, and the Venice of the North. This is the land of Pushkin, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake.

To Cypress: Give it a rest. Marrying ancient Russia to Communism makes less sense than does marrying Communism to capitalism.

Incidentally, somebody forgot to tell Ronald Reagan to keeps his hands off the Berlin Wall:


After his term as California governor ended and before he became president, Ronald Reagan recorded daily commentaries broadcast by about 350 radio stations and heard by tens of millions of Americans. When I listened to a collection of these broadcasts recently, it sounded like Reagan was warning us about the socialism preached by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

With Sanders’ victory in the Nevada Democratic caucuses Saturday – making him the current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination – the words of warning from Reagan struck me as something more Americans ought to be aware of today.

Throughout his nearly five-year radio run, Reagan preached that the promises of socialism were lies. He noted that we often grow so accustomed to them, however, that we lose the fear of the ideology itself.

In one of his commentaries, Reagan quotes a line he once spoke in a play highlighting the far-left ideology’s danger: “I never knew what freedom was until I saw you lose yours.”

In another commentary, the future president tells of a young man debating a socialist who criticized anyone wanting to pursue the finer things in life.

“Socialists ignore the side of man that is of the spirit,” Reagan said back in 1975. “They can provide shelter, fill your belly with bacon and beans, treat you when you’re ill – all the things that are guaranteed to a prisoner or a slave. But they don’t understand we also dream, yes, even of owning a yacht.”

History has always had a way of repeating itself, partly due to ignorance but also attributable to human nature. When German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848 it appealed to idealists, painting a utopian vision of a more just world where poverty was nonexistent and everyone worked together in peace and harmony.

One popular English translation “The Communist Manifesto” ends with the words: “Workers of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!” It almost sounds like a Sanders slogan.

But if we should have learned anything since communism went from a theory to the foundation of a tyrannical government following the Russian Revolution in 1917, it is that communism and its cousin socialism did not create utopias. Instead, they brought nightmares to life.

By any objective standard, communism and socialism have destroyed economies, left people impoverished and sometimes starving, and brought about brutal dictatorships that deprived people of the precious freedoms guaranteed to Americans under our Bill of Rights – including freedom of speech, of the press and of religion.

The old saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely has proven true again and again around the world wherever Marxism has been embraced.

That’s why Reagan’s words are as wise today as when he recorded them – many years before some of the most ardent supporters of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign were even born.

We’d be wise to heed Reagan’s warnings and take his advice.

Back when Reagan was broadcasting his commentaries, communist regimes were officially atheist. They were dedicated to destroying religion, which they saw as an ideology competing with Marxism.

Marx wrote in 1843: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”

To be fair, Bernie Sanders has expressed no ambition to destroy religion. But many of the left want to ban all expressions of faith in the public square.

To these folks, Reagan lamented: “We’ve gone so far that it almost seems a rule originally designed to guard against violation of the Constitution has become an aggressive campaign against religion itself. And isn’t that the very thing we set out to guard against?”

Reagan also warned against Big Government becoming a nanny state, trying to run our lives even with the best of intentions.

When news broke of a school trying to ban hot dogs and root beer and force cafeterias to carry more healthful fare, Reagan said: “Do-gooders, busy-bodies and bureaucrats need to learn that people don’t like to be told what to do. Kids are kids and sometimes persuasion is better than dictatorship.”

Sounds like Regan was talking about former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg – competing with Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination – and Bloomberg’s infamous campaign against large cups of soda being sold, doesn’t it?

Reagan was born in 1911 – long before television. He grew up with radio and loved the medium and considered it far more intimate and a better fit for him than TV.

According to his wife Nancy, Reagan worked through his ideas for commentaries during long, hot showers and would then put pen to paper, scribbling out each three-minute essay on yellow legal pads as he crisscrossed the country or rested in the evenings at home.

The familiarity of Reagan’s pleasing, mellifluous voice is what first struck me as I listened to his decades-old commentaries. I miss him. But beyond the enjoyable vocal serenade was the substance of what Reagan was saying back in the 1970s – and just how well the subjects, warnings and insights have held up over the last 40-plus years.

Reagan gave up radio commentaries on Nov. 13, 1979 – the day he announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. During that televised announcement the future president evoked many of the same themes he had been advocating for years.

“The citizens of this great nation want leadership, yes, but not a man on a white horse demanding obedience to his commands,” Reagan said. “I believe this nation hungers for a spiritual revival … to see government once again the protector of our liberties, not the distributor of gifts and privilege. … Government cannot be clergyman, teacher and parent. It is our servant, beholden to us.”

Reagan was right then – and his words remain just as true today.

Paul Batura: Ronald Reagan warned us about Bernie Sanders – over 40 years ago
By Paul J. Batura

Do you really believe the American people cannot see the difference between RR and a piece of garbage like the Dirty Old Commie? (Do not answer. I already know what you and your kind believe.)
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This may shock and amaze you, but worldly people, cultured people, and people who are just plain adventurous do, and have always loved to visit Russia and Moscow. And that is - and has always been true - whether Tsar Nicholas II, Nikita Khrushchev, or Vladimir Putin was sitting in the Kremlin or Winter Palace.

Some people, given the choice, would choose a honeymoon to Russia over a trip to Key West or Myrtle Beach. This may be shocking news to you.

Russia has a deep, riveting, ancient, and impressive culture, history, and aesthetic that would appeal to quite a few people. This is the land of ancient orthodox mysticism, imperial palaces. Russia has world class ballet, world class symphony and opera, the Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, and the Venice of the North. This is the land of Pushkin, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake.

Trump-country has NASCAR, moonshine, and Dollywood.

Some people would even consider a trip or a honeymoon to Russia an adventure of a life time.

I personally find it more believable that Bernie and his wife considered a trip to Russia an adventure and a rare opportunity, more than I believe any rightwing fantasies that Bernie was secretly planning to convert to Bolshevism and carry the torch of worldwide communist revolutionary.


That's not why he visited Russia.