Socialized Health Care System Saves Right Wing Leader's Life

Heh and Im guessing you believe that Boris being the Prime Minister had nothing to do with his level of care
Hello Yoda,

Heh and Im guessing you believe that Boris being the Prime Minister had nothing to do with his level of care

I don't know. Do you have any information that he received special care? And more importantly, do you have any information that anyone in the UK has been denied care for COVID-19 because of some flaw in the system? How long are the 'wait times' for getting care for acute COVID-19?
As the old saying goes, we have Socialism for the rich, Capitalism for the poor. And since the Right is good with that, I don't think this will help advance the idea of affordable healthcare.
The rich and powerful never go without government services. Healthcare which is a crippling cost to us is couch change for the wealthy. They never spend a second worrying about healthcare.,
Hello Nordberg,

The rich and powerful never go without government services. Healthcare which is a crippling cost to us is couch change for the wealthy. They never spend a second worrying about healthcare.,

Maybe the time for change has come. Much HAS changed. I like Joe's Public Option.

That seems reasonable enough. A good place to begin. Let the for-profits charge as much as they like. And let them compete with a government-run plan. If they think that will be so bad, they should have no problem offering much lower prices.
Hello StoneByStone,

As the old saying goes, we have Socialism for the rich, Capitalism for the poor. And since the Right is good with that, I don't think this will help advance the idea of affordable healthcare.

I think if people can be shown a Public Option that offers the same coverage at lower prices they wouldn't care about the politics. They would get it.
Hello StoneByStone,

I think if people can be shown a Public Option that offers the same coverage at lower prices they wouldn't care about the politics. They would get it.

Reasonable people would get it. But the Right isn't about rationality or improving the country. It's all about hierarchy and "owning da libs."
Though things like this might sway the Centrists, which is always good.
Just like the lying right wing reBOOBliCONS.....downing everything that has been done to help
the population and yet first time and every time thereafter they need help and get it from the
systems that have been put in place by Dems..for the people...they change their tune for a
little while..and go back to lying until the next problem they get into and have to be helped....
the reBOOBliCONS are a horrible example of what we need in a just law abiding society....
they need not to be in any government office...or any position that determinds what we all
need to live....a totally disgusting group of people...led by the most disgusting president in history

trumputin the con man idiot
Hello Yoda,

I don't know. Do you have any information that he received special care? And more importantly, do you have any information that anyone in the UK has been denied care for COVID-19 because of some flaw in the system? How long are the 'wait times' for getting care for acute COVID-19?

If you dont realize that the leader of any country gets very special attention medically then theres no sense in trying to convince you...Do I know of any wait times in the UK...I didnt even address that in my post and no I dont and Ill tell you why...I dont care about the UK
Hello StoneByStone,

Reasonable people would get it. But the Right isn't about rationality or improving the country. It's all about hierarchy and "owning da libs."
Though things like this might sway the Centrists, which is always good.

Some of the right is like that but fortunately not all.
Hello Yoda,

If you dont realize that the leader of any country gets very special attention medically then theres no sense in trying to convince you...Do I know of any wait times in the UK...I didnt even address that in my post and no I dont and Ill tell you why...I dont care about the UK

It would be my guess that he got the best care they could provide. I'm not going to argue it because we don't really know. My guess is as good as yours. I know you didn't talk about wait times. I did. If you don't want to comment on that, that's OK.

I think we should care about the UK. They are our allies. It's a tough world. We can't go it alone. All the nations on Earth are on this planet together. Each nation strives in it's own way to look out for the people, but really, all across the world, ordinary people are really a lot alike. Most have no great power, just want to live their own lives, have a chance to look out for their family, create a nice community.

Some nations are run by ruthless despots. That affects people all over. People everywhere should be on their guard, become as well informed as possible, do what they can to affect good leadership in their nation.

Logically, the entire world should be united under one ideal government, but since everyone can't agree on how that would be structured we have this piecemeal approach. Maybe we'll get there one day.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

A testimony to It's better than nothing I suppose...

I hope you know they like their health care system in the UK. Nobody over there is saying get rid of it. As far as I understand no nation with government ensured universal health care is clamoring to get rid of it.

We can find a lot of quotes of people saying they are happy with government health care in France and Canada, lots of other places, too. The US will figure it out one day. Maybe if we elect Biden that day can come sooner rather than later. Or we could keep what we've got and take away pre-existing conditions. That should help reduce the cost for the healthy by screwing the unfortunate. Does that sound good?
Hello Yoda,

It would be my guess that he got the best care they could provide. I'm not going to argue it because we don't really know. My guess is as good as yours. I know you didn't talk about wait times. I did. If you don't want to comment on that, that's OK.

I think we should care about the UK. They are our allies. It's a tough world. We can't go it alone. All the nations on Earth are on this planet together. Each nation strives in it's own way to look out for the people, but really, all across the world, ordinary people are really a lot alike. Most have no great power, just want to live their own lives, have a chance to look out for their family, create a nice community.

Some nations are run by ruthless despots. That affects people all over. People everywhere should be on their guard, become as well informed as possible, do what they can to affect good leadership in their nation.

Logically, the entire world should be united under one ideal government, but since everyone can't agree on how that would be structured we have this piecemeal approach. Maybe we'll get there one day.

I didnt comment on wait times because I simply dont know, when I said I dont care about the UK I should have been clearer, I have enough to care about right here.
Its common sense that any world leader gets the best of the best care when their in need, ours especially. Thats not an indication of whether the UKS health care is better than anyone elses.

Theres are a year old but they are the latest ive found and its a sure bet waits have gotten longer since the virus hit

Britain's Version Of 'Medicare For All' Is Struggling With Long Waits For Care

Hospital waiting times at worst-ever levelHospital waiting times at worst-ever level

Canada doesnt seem to be any better

Canada’s health-care wait times eclipsed 20 weeks in 2019; second-longest wait ever recorded
Health care should be a right.

We have come this far.

No it shouldn't. Nothing that has an economic scarcity or a cost associated with it should be a Right. By making something a Right you, and I, are entitled to as much of it as we want whenever we want it. Yes, there are some restrictions on Rights, mostly involving your not trampling other's Rights.
When you make something that has is tangible, has economic scarcity or cost attached to it a Right, you cheapen all other Rights by making them something government gives you. That means government can not ration your Rights and take them away whenever they want.

When government makes something like education or healthcare a Right, the next thing they do is tell you just how much of that Right you are entitled to and when you are entitled to exercise it.
Logically, the entire world should be united under one ideal government, but since everyone can't agree on how that would be structured we have this piecemeal approach. Maybe we'll get there one day.

Bad idea. Very bad idea. Why? Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The most likely outcome from a one-world government is an absolute dictatorship. Since that single government now controls everything and they have no competition they can easily impose a dictatorship and then decide just what you deserve and don't deserve.

Lenin's song is an idiocy of unthinking consequences. It defies basic human nature. Oh, and as Toynbee points out in A Study of History the nations that do the worst, fail the most often, are ones with few or no adverse conditions facing them.