APP - Socialized Medicine kills


Former Vice President

Talk about statism and totalitarianism in a so called western country. This family wants to use privately raised money to give their baby a shot and the overbearing government says no.

This story validates my position in two ways

1) It shows that people are compassionate and the government doesn't need to be involved for these types of things monetarily. Private charities can and do step in to help their fellow man despite the claims of our friends on the left
2) Socialized medicine is not about trying to keep people well, it is about controlling the population with the most personal decisions of their lives
It is funny that people aren't calling for stem cells to be used in this case.

For the longest time, stem cells were the be all end all to all of life's suffering. It was supposed to cure Michael J Fox. Make Christopher Reeves walk again. You get the point.

But, in this case, they won't let these people use private money to throw a hail mary to save their child's life.

This is what the left has descended to

Talk about statism and totalitarianism in a so called western country. This family wants to use privately raised money to give their baby a shot and the overbearing government says no.

This story validates my position in two ways

1) It shows that people are compassionate and the government doesn't need to be involved for these types of things monetarily. Private charities can and do step in to help their fellow man despite the claims of our friends on the left
2) Socialized medicine is not about trying to keep people well, it is about controlling the population with the most personal decisions of their lives

You are just jumping on this to prove some kind of point.

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If I were that kid I would want to be dead.

That said, a panel essentially deciding if it gets to live or die regardless of the parents wishes?

If I were the parents I would arm up, storm the hospital and kill anyone that got in my way. I'd throw the hail mary, what have you got to lose? And I wouldn't let some euro death panel stand in my way.
If I were that kid I would want to be dead.

That said, a panel essentially deciding if it gets to live or die regardless of the parents wishes?

If I were the parents I would arm up, storm the hospital and kill anyone that got in my way. I'd throw the hail mary, what have you got to lose? And I wouldn't let some euro death panel stand in my way.
You think that doesn't happen in the US?

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