Socially Responsible Capitalism


It's capitalism with a healthy blend of socialism. For instance, in Canada we have universal health care because 'for profit' health care just doesn't work for the people. Health care is just one example among several where government can do it better and cheaper.

Another example is British Columbia's government run vehicle insurance. ICBC or Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. We adopted the plan province wide in about 1960 and we've never looked back. We have the best quality insurance and the most affordable of the entire country. And it's much more affordable than any available from private companies in the US as far as I know.

Eventually the US will have to come to the understanding that private companies aren't serving the people's interests. When that happens, people become willing to put the screws to the private companies to force them to be more affordable and competitive. And then if they don't become more affordable, government needs to step in and offer better.

It's not socialism as such, it's just capitalism that is being forced to bear a social responsibility to the people it is supposed to serve. It works throughout the world and it will work in the US when the people decide they have had enough of being cheated by big business that has no motivation to be competitive and affordable.

As is happening now with Obamacare, it's being resisted by the right because their very lives are at stake, in that they can see how their profits will be drastically reduced. And so, any dirty trick is considered fair game. There is no end to the measures they will stoop to in order to keep their incredibly huge profits.

Hence, it has all led to the US being the 2nd. highest in income inequality in the entire world. All while the incredibly high incomes at the top make the US the highest overall average income in the entire world.

The message is crystal clear, and of course some have already come to realize what the problem is. When will enough Americans come to the realization that they are being taken to the cleaners by the 1% or 2%. The 'fix' for the problem is an easy one! And it's the only 'fix' that is ever going to change things.

Discussion? Questions on how it works? People from other countries can give you the answers Americans. You just need to want to take your country back.
Sounds good. Make it so.....

It is good and it's working in Canada! I don't think there is any factors in the US that could stop it from working for you too. But there's no doubt that a new attitude needs to be adopted by the people where they have to come to realize that they have to demand changes that will benefit them.

The people have somehow been hijacked into supporting tea parties and big business such as the Koch brothers, etc. It's hard to understand how they would let that happen but it has. It took some very skillful maneuvering by big business because it must have seen a threat by the people right there on the horizon that needed to be defused quickly.

Future hope: Obama's term ends and the racist hate ends with it. That will logically defuse the tea parties that operate mostly on racist hate. Without that there could be a real coming together of ordinary people with a concentrated effort to serve their own interests finally.

Beware of a new concentrated effort by the very wealthy when their tea party lackies are sidelined.
It's capitalism with a healthy blend of socialism. For instance, in Canada we have universal health care because 'for profit' health care just doesn't work for the people. Health care is just one example among several where government can do it better and cheaper.

Another example is British Columbia's government run vehicle insurance. ICBC or Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. We adopted the plan province wide in about 1960 and we've never looked back. We have the best quality insurance and the most affordable of the entire country. And it's much more affordable than any available from private companies in the US as far as I know.

Eventually the US will have to come to the understanding that private companies aren't serving the people's interests. When that happens, people become willing to put the screws to the private companies to force them to be more affordable and competitive. And then if they don't become more affordable, government needs to step in and offer better.

It's not socialism as such, it's just capitalism that is being forced to bear a social responsibility to the people it is supposed to serve. It works throughout the world and it will work in the US when the people decide they have had enough of being cheated by big business that has no motivation to be competitive and affordable.

As is happening now with Obamacare, it's being resisted by the right because their very lives are at stake, in that they can see how their profits will be drastically reduced. And so, any dirty trick is considered fair game. There is no end to the measures they will stoop to in order to keep their incredibly huge profits.

Hence, it has all led to the US being the 2nd. highest in income inequality in the entire world. All while the incredibly high incomes at the top make the US the highest overall average income in the entire world.

The message is crystal clear, and of course some have already come to realize what the problem is. When will enough Americans come to the realization that they are being taken to the cleaners by the 1% or 2%. The 'fix' for the problem is an easy one! And it's the only 'fix' that is ever going to change things.

Discussion? Questions on how it works? People from other countries can give you the answers Americans. You just need to want to take your country back.
You haven't been paying attention to the "Should we let the South seceede?" thread have you?

Capitalism with a conscience violated three fundamental values of the South. Exploit labor, Suck up to foreign money interest and fuck the environment.
Not so fast!
Population of Canada, as of Q2 2013: 35,141,542
Canadian land mass in square miles: 3,855,100
Population of the U.S.: approximately 315 million
U.S. land mass in square miles: 3,794,100
If we in the U.S. had population numbers like this, and our current level of resources, I'd say bring on the free socialist stuff!
Your entire population fits into about 10 large American cities. It would be great to only have to take care of everybody in your country from cradle to grave.
Not so fast!
Population of Canada, as of Q2 2013: 35,141,542
Canadian land mass in square miles: 3,855,100
Population of the U.S.: approximately 315 million
U.S. land mass in square miles: 3,794,100
If we in the U.S. had population numbers like this, and our current level of resources, I'd say bring on the free socialist stuff!
Your entire population fits into about 10 large American cities. It would be great to only have to take care of everybody in your country from cradle to grave.

Gee, you're actually saying that your country doesn't have the greatest economy on the face of the earth? I'll put you down under the 'excuse making' column. It fits neither the screeching of the right for pure capitalism or the comments from the left who understand that it's the truth. Novel in that it was unexpected!

Which begs the question: Are all large countries with a small population more capable than the US?
Of course not and your excuse is lame and desperate.

Talking to Americans!
Not so fast!
Population of Canada, as of Q2 2013: 35,141,542
Canadian land mass in square miles: 3,855,100
Population of the U.S.: approximately 315 million
U.S. land mass in square miles: 3,794,100
If we in the U.S. had population numbers like this, and our current level of resources, I'd say bring on the free socialist stuff!
Your entire population fits into about 10 large American cities. It would be great to only have to take care of everybody in your country from cradle to grave.

Hell... NYC, LA and Chicago metro areas alone are about same population as cannuckistan
Gee, you're actually saying that your country doesn't have the greatest economy on the face of the earth? I'll put you down under the 'excuse making' column. It fits neither the screeching of the right for pure capitalism or the comments from the left who understand that it's the truth. Novel in that it was unexpected!

Which begs the question: Are all large countries with a small population more capable than the US?
Of course not and your excuse is lame and desperate.

Talking to Americans!
That's EXACTLY what I'm saying! And it's NOT an "excuse". Our government at the moment is made up of imbeciles, thinly veiled socialist hypocrites, and crooks, voted into office by a low-information electorate, 47% of which are sucking off the government tit. And for some strange reason, we still got people from every other shithole on the planet either lining up to get in here, or sneaking in under the fence. BTW, how's your immigration laws working for you up there? Do you do anything novel, like...ohhh...say, ENFORCE THEM?! We don't(need more democrats, ya know). No excuses, not lame or desperate, just stating facts. So take off hoser.(sorry, had to say it. I love Canada, it's one of the most beautiful places on earth)
What I said is not completely lost on many Americans. It's a lot better than it ever was and movements such as OWS are springing up to show us that Americans are not happy with the hand the very wealthy has dealt them. Even the tea party movement showed some promise until it was totally hijacked by the very people it was intended to fight against. And more will come.

The flagwaving and the bullsh-t about everybody having a chance in America has worn thin and it's not going to be accepted much longer. The message is clear. Capitalism is the only system that can survive but it has to be socially responsible capitalism, not the kind of greedy capitalism that America has gotten away with right throughout the 20th. century. That is no longer sustainable.
It's capitalism with a healthy blend of socialism. For instance, in Canada we have universal health care because 'for profit' health care just doesn't work for the people. Health care is just one example among several where government can do it better and cheaper.

Another example is British Columbia's government run vehicle insurance. ICBC or Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. We adopted the plan province wide in about 1960 and we've never looked back. We have the best quality insurance and the most affordable of the entire country. And it's much more affordable than any available from private companies in the US as far as I know.

Eventually the US will have to come to the understanding that private companies aren't serving the people's interests. When that happens, people become willing to put the screws to the private companies to force them to be more affordable and competitive. And then if they don't become more affordable, government needs to step in and offer better.

It's not socialism as such, it's just capitalism that is being forced to bear a social responsibility to the people it is supposed to serve. It works throughout the world and it will work in the US when the people decide they have had enough of being cheated by big business that has no motivation to be competitive and affordable.

As is happening now with Obamacare, it's being resisted by the right because their very lives are at stake, in that they can see how their profits will be drastically reduced. And so, any dirty trick is considered fair game. There is no end to the measures they will stoop to in order to keep their incredibly huge profits.

Hence, it has all led to the US being the 2nd. highest in income inequality in the entire world. All while the incredibly high incomes at the top make the US the highest overall average income in the entire world.

The message is crystal clear, and of course some have already come to realize what the problem is. When will enough Americans come to the realization that they are being taken to the cleaners by the 1% or 2%. The 'fix' for the problem is an easy one! And it's the only 'fix' that is ever going to change things.

Discussion? Questions on how it works? People from other countries can give you the answers Americans. You just need to want to take your country back.

You are stating that "United we Stand" can afford to insure a better life for all Americans.

The Right likes to point out cases where "United we Stand" gets trashed by someone that is abusing the system.

The fact proven is that Right Wingers always want to be Left when the situation involves them. But if it doesn't, it infringes their Liberty.

The smarter and more Christian Americans recognize the situations that COULD happen to them and decide to stand UNITED.

Or perhaps you Right Wingers didn't realize Democracy meant United......
That's EXACTLY what I'm saying! And it's NOT an "excuse". Our government at the moment is made up of imbeciles, thinly veiled socialist hypocrites, and crooks, voted into office by a low-information electorate, 47% of which are sucking off the government tit. And for some strange reason, we still got people from every other shithole on the planet either lining up to get in here, or sneaking in under the fence. BTW, how's your immigration laws working for you up there? Do you do anything novel, like...ohhh...say, ENFORCE THEM?! We don't(need more democrats, ya know). No excuses, not lame or desperate, just stating facts. So take off hoser.(sorry, had to say it. I love Canada, it's one of the most beautiful places on earth)

Your misunderstanding of the immigration problems is just another part of your lack of understanding and your sickness that the wealthy have visited on you. If you understood that the problems were brought about by wealthy employers who had no interest in his fellow Americans and all his interest was in making huge profits through paying ultra low wages to illegals, then maybe you would be on your way to getting it.

And not only that, you blame the 47% who you think are sucking off the government tit when in truth your system of 'everything to the wealthy has created just that exact situation.

But that's not uncommon for an American. You still buy the bullsh-t about waving the flag and some day you too will be among the 1%. You're among the slowest who still don't get that that's just not true.

Better go back to relying on your excuse that your country has too many people. Talking to your ilk is a wasted effort. You'll be one of those who is dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st. century.
You are stating that "United we Stand" can afford to insure a better life for all Americans.

The Right likes to point out cases where "United we Stand" gets trashed by someone that is abusing the system.

The fact proven is that Right Wingers always want to be Left when the situation involves them. But if it doesn't, it infringes their Liberty.

The smarter and more Christian Americans recognize the situations that COULD happen to them and decide to stand UNITED.

Or perhaps you Right Wingers didn't realize Democracy meant United......

Christianity is an impediment to breaking the mold that is holding your country back. It's a superstitious fantasy and it's an excuse for not accepting modernity and the 21st. century. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with finding a solution.

I'm telling you, Americans have to feel that it's their right to begin to again demand their share of the wealth. And make "no" mistake, there's more than enough to go around. It's dripping off the 1 or 2% and they want no part of saving their country by giving up some of it.

That's your task!
Not so fast!
Population of Canada, as of Q2 2013: 35,141,542
Canadian land mass in square miles: 3,855,100
Population of the U.S.: approximately 315 million
U.S. land mass in square miles: 3,794,100
If we in the U.S. had population numbers like this, and our current level of resources, I'd say bring on the free socialist stuff!
Your entire population fits into about 10 large American cities. It would be great to only have to take care of everybody in your country from cradle to grave.

Yet ever since Bush Jr took office the Republicans have dictated our Country. Or maybe you didn't notice that.

Americans have voted they DO NOT want the same regulations as China where there is a 30 foot visiblility because of smog in some area's. America voted it has standards. To keep fighting for less standards means you are weak and uninformed. Much more than "Less Constitutional Standards only when one party makes them" Because that is profiling..........Otherwise, bring on the new era racists :)
That's EXACTLY what I'm saying! And it's NOT an "excuse". Our government at the moment is made up of imbeciles, thinly veiled socialist hypocrites, and crooks, voted into office by a low-information electorate, 47% of which are sucking off the government tit. And for some strange reason, we still got people from every other shithole on the planet either lining up to get in here, or sneaking in under the fence. BTW, how's your immigration laws working for you up there? Do you do anything novel, like...ohhh...say, ENFORCE THEM?! We don't(need more democrats, ya know). No excuses, not lame or desperate, just stating facts. So take off hoser.(sorry, had to say it. I love Canada, it's one of the most beautiful places on earth)

Tell me what Bush did to enforce exit illegal Immigrants, he had Congress control for YEARS!. You seem to be stuck in the political newb phase where you think Fox News and the Right want Illegals gone and the Left wants them for votes. When the simple fact remains that Right wingers want them for labor without taxation. Basic slavery.

So what would be your answer coming into a country full of Illegals, for many reasons, that has been going on for YEARS. I would assume the Dream Act was pretty good. Yet the Right turned it down because they want slaves as always. Basic Right Wing .
It is good and it's working in Canada! I don't think there is any factors in the US that could stop it from working for you too. But there's no doubt that a new attitude needs to be adopted by the people where they have to come to realize that they have to demand changes that will benefit them.

The people have somehow been hijacked into supporting tea parties and big business such as the Koch brothers, etc. It's hard to understand how they would let that happen but it has. It took some very skillful maneuvering by big business because it must have seen a threat by the people right there on the horizon that needed to be defused quickly.

Future hope: Obama's term ends and the racist hate ends with it. That will logically defuse the tea parties that operate mostly on racist hate. Without that there could be a real coming together of ordinary people with a concentrated effort to serve their own interests finally.

Beware of a new concentrated effort by the very wealthy when their tea party lackies are sidelined.

Then why aren't the Mexicans flocking to your liberal paradise?
Yet ever since Bush Jr took office the Republicans have dictated our Country. Or maybe you didn't notice that.

Americans have voted they DO NOT want the same regulations as China where there is a 30 foot visiblility because of smog in some area's. America voted it has standards. To keep fighting for less standards means you are weak and uninformed. Much more than "Less Constitutional Standards only when one party makes them" Because that is profiling..........Otherwise, bring on the new era racists :)

Ordinary Americans are sitting on their hands and letting the very wealthy hijack your country out from underneath you. Remember, you're the second highest in the world for income inequality with the highest income per capita in the world. It can't get any plainer than that!

The problem that's not being addressed is the fact that Americans have been sold a bill of goods right from childhood that they are to respect the system, wave the flag, and sing the praises of the lopsided system. They need to break from that and understand that as they wave the flag in poverty or close to it, there are other countries that are doing very well for their people.

This is what socially responsible capitalism is all about, and Americans don't know what it is. In fact, anything that deviates from their extremist capitalism for the wealthy is deemed to be socialism or communism to them. Mainly because the wealthy tell them so.

You people are just taking a long time to get it!
Tell me what Bush did to enforce exit illegal Immigrants, he had Congress control for YEARS!. You seem to be stuck in the political newb phase where you think Fox News and the Right want Illegals gone and the Left wants them for votes. When the simple fact remains that Right wingers want them for labor without taxation. Basic slavery.

So what would be your answer coming into a country full of Illegals, for many reasons, that has been going on for YEARS. I would assume the Dream Act was pretty good. Yet the Right turned it down because they want slaves as always. Basic Right Wing .

Well you have that right as far as that side issue goes. There's little doubt that the immigration problem is unsolvable because there are employers who want to uphold the status quo of cheap labour with no taxation. And in fact were the cause of the problem right from the beginning. I don't see any solution that is going to work for them.

But that's just one of the side issues concerning your need for "socially responsible capitalism". One that was caused by greedy and reckless capitalism.

It seems that many Americans even on the left are afraid to take the issue on directly. That really does appear to be because they are schooled from the cradle to sing the praises of a system that just doesn't work for "they, the people".
the main problem is the republican party CHEATS in elections.

that is how we got Bush.

they just couldn't cheat enough to defeat Obama.

they cheat to win the house and senate seats.

They cheat and have for decades.

there is reams and reams of court documentation to prove it