Society Chose My sexuality

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Hi, I'm southern man. Society chose my sexuality for me. I could have gone either way. God bless social reenforcement of heterosexuality. I could have been way poofy.

Just funnin, man. It is friday!

This was a quick week, by the way. It seems like only yesterday I was dancing on Robert Byrd's grave with copies of Robert's, Scalia's, and Thomas' majority and concurring opinions in my hands. And who can forget Billy's little foray onto the Brady bunch portion of Wiki?
The days go slow, but the weeks go fast, and a second contains an infinity of time. woah. dude. I just thought of that.
Hi, I'm southern man. Society chose my sexuality for me. I could have gone either way. God bless social reenforcement of heterosexuality. I could have been way poofy.

Just funnin, man. It is friday!

I have to agree....society chose your sexuality to be 'not very'.......
a second contains an infinity of time.

Not necessarily. Time cannot be measured beyond a picosecond, so we can't know what goes on there, but a picosecond is so small it may as well be infinity to most people anyway.

BTW, I thought of "a second contains an infinity of time" when I was a child.
