A new book released by Donald Trump's niece revealed what anyone who has been paying attention already knew: sociopathy dominated Trump’s upbringing and he clearly didn't escape its grasp.
But what also became crystal clear this week is that the standard-bearer of the GOP has turned it into nothing short of a band of sociopaths masquerading as a political party.
.....the White House goal was to "convince Americans they can live with virus," rather than mounting any concerted effort to stop or mitigate its spread. In fact, the entire White House strategy was to let the pandemic so wildly ravage the country that the data would start to feel meaningless to the electorate, and they'd simply get used to the threat.
Seriously, what kind of dystopian hellscape produces this kind of "thinking"? Only one that is overrun with sociopaths.
But this misanthropic depravity clearly doesn't just start and stop at the White House doors, it has seeped into the DNA of the entire party just the way the sociopathy of Trump's father, Fred Trump, rained down on his family.
No one with any common sense really needed anyone to confirm what is crystal clear. It's always been evident but never was it so clearly obvious as when the party was applauding, patting each other on their backs and celebrating in the rose garden the demise of the ACA and depriving millions people of affordable healthcare...until now...when there are still people supporting a entity as depraved and void of human feelings as Trump.
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