soldiers athiest meeting disbanned



He passed out flyers for a meeting startred to hold the meeting and an officer came in and shut it down and threatened him with retaliation.

Why is it so hard for some to understand the constitution?
Most seem to pick whatever is in the constitution that they think supports their particular position and ignore the rest.

After all didn't our president refer to the constitution as "just a damned piece of paper" ?
imho that alone should have gotten him impeached.
A frightening number Americans are unclear on the concept of their own constitution. Especially that pesky first amendment. A recent poll found that only 55% of Americans believe that freedom to worship extends to all religions and sects. 65% believe -- erroneously -- that the framers intended this to be a Christian nation.

If freedom to worship didn't extend to all religions, then how could you have the freedom to worship?

Are people really this dumb?
Desh, I assume that is a rhetorical question after most of 2 terms with bush and a republican controlled congress , until last fall anyway.
BTW - Darla, this one is actually an infringement on the 1st Amendment, unlike a time limit agreed to beforehand.