Soldiers in Iraq view troop surge as a lost cause


Villified User
Soldiers in Iraq view troop surge as a lost cause
By Tom Lasseter

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Army 1st Lt. Antonio Hardy took a slow look around the east Baghdad neighborhood that he and his men were patrolling. He grimaced at the sound of gunshots in the distance. A machine gunner on top of a Humvee scanned the rooftops for snipers. Some of Hardy's men wondered aloud if they'd get hit by a roadside bomb on the way back to their base.

"To be honest, it's going to be like this for a long time to come, no matter what we do," said Hardy, 25, of Atlanta. "I think some people in America don't want to know about all this violence, about all the killings. The people back home are shielded from it; they get it sugar-coated."

While senior military officials and the Bush administration say the president's decision to send more American troops to pacify Baghdad will succeed, many of the soldiers who're already there say it's a lost cause.
why do you focus on the negative so much? I'm sure somewhere in Iraq some really cute puppies were born and weren't killed. why don't you ever post about those?
That darned liberal media, sugar coating the news....

pfffftttt.....if anything, the media has been running cover for bush for four years.

Its WORSE in iraq, than the media is willing to report. They've been too chicken to use the word civil war, even though that's exactly whats been going on for at least a year.
why do you focus on the negative so much? I'm sure somewhere in Iraq some really cute puppies were born and weren't killed. why don't you ever post about those?

No Chinese in Iraq LadyT ?

I hear their music program is surviving.
Notice how the vast majority of the violence is in the Baghdad area? How many reports of violence in the Shiite south or Kurdish north do we hear about? Virtually NONE.
"And where are the majority of our troops located ?"

That I do not know. I would assume the Sunni triangle. Which was kind of my point.
Notice how the vast majority of the violence is in the Baghdad area? How many reports of violence in the Shiite south or Kurdish north do we hear about? Virtually NONE.

The U.S. ceded the south, largely, to harline Shia militia after the 2004 battles in Najaf and Karbala.
"The U.S. ceded the south, largely, to harline Shia militia after the 2004 battles in Najaf and Karbala."

"I think the Kurds in the north are keeping things pretty much under control up there."

Ummmm ok..... apparently my point wasn't quite clear enough. But you two are on the track I was going.

We should pull to the outskirts of the city and let the Iraqi people in Baghdad police themselves. We should only send troops in at the request of the Iraqi government for large operations.
That would be a sensible step to me Super.

but we have to guard the oil company execs making oil deals in Baghdad.
"The U.S. ceded the south, largely, to harline Shia militia after the 2004 battles in Najaf and Karbala."

"I think the Kurds in the north are keeping things pretty much under control up there."

Ummmm ok..... apparently my point wasn't quite clear enough. But you two are on the track I was going.

We should pull to the outskirts of the city and let the Iraqi people in Baghdad police themselves. We should only send troops in at the request of the Iraqi government for large operations.

"We should only send troops in at the request of the Iraqi government for large operations"

The Iraqi "Government" is comprised of, or beholden to, sectarian milia groups. Largely shia militias and death squads. The iraqi police and ministries are infiltrated by sectarian militias.

I wouldn't put the US army, effectively under the command, of sectarian militia and their affiliated "politicians". They have their own agenda, which may or may not conicide with ours. When the "call us in" for a large operation, it may be just to wipe out one of their rival miltias. With all due respect, Fuck that - we aren't there to fight in a civil war.

I'd pull our troops out of the cities, and focus on hunting al qaeda cells in iraq.
It sure appears that way doesn't it and that is why the Saudis aren't happy