Some Facts and Statistics on Immigration Policy to Consider.


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Here are a few things to consider about the formation of immigration policy:

1: The population of America is roughly 346 Million

2: The combined population of the nations of Central America is 184 Million

3: The combined population of the nations of South America is 437 Million

So the Combined population of Central and South America is nearly twice the population of the United States. So, assuming for the sake of debate, that their rate per capita of Criminal or Criminally-Mentally-Ill people is the same as native born Americans, if they send to the U.S. just half of their populations Criminals and Crazies, our number of Criminals and Crazies will Triple!

If they send U.S. just half, our number will be triple what it would be without them!

4: The new Illegal Immigrants from the Biden four years number somewhere between 11 Million and 24 Million. DHS openly states they don't know for sure how many are here, and put the low end at 11 Million, and some of their people state it could be as high as 24 Million. They don't know.

5: The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) states that the average cost per illegal per year is currently $65,000. Even if you assume the low number, that's 11Million X $65K = 715 Billion .... per YEAR!

6: The FBI Crime Data base, for Violent Crimes; Rape, Murder, Assault w/ deadly Intent, by Demographics for Perpetrators shows something very interesting:

Now, you might think that Native American Born Street Drug Gangs in Chicago are the worst perps for violent crime, but you'd be wrong!

The Lowest Category of Perpetrator per capita and the HIGHEST Category of Perpetrator per capita, for Violent Crimes have something in common, they are both foreign born people, living in the United States!

The Lowest Category of Perp for Violent Crimes is LEGAL Immigrants!

The Highest Category of Perp for Violent Crimes is ILLEGAL Immigrants!

7. The Department of Labor just released a report that shows that ALL, 100% of the job growth over the Biden Years, went to the Illegals. None of the new jobs went to Americans. There are now 43 Million American Born Citizens who are permanently out of work.

8. Annually, the Farms and Orchards of America, employ around 285K seasonal workers at an average yearly income of $35K. So, just the illegals from the Biden Era are 20X more unskilled labor, than is needed by America.

So, if you're a American Voter, does Open Borders sound like a good deal?

I don't think that Trump's stated intention to deport all the illegals is going to work out as planned.

I do think he will approach the task in phases, and the worst of the illegals who are criminals, addicts or severely-criminally-mentally-ill ( Rapists and Serial Arson Killers ) will be deported, if not imprisoned.

The next phase will be the deportation of the new illegals, from the Biden Era, who have not found work, and are still living on public funds. I think he will scare many of that crowd to take jobs being paid under the table, without paying taxes, which will drive down wages, and take away massive numbers of jobs from native-born, working class, American Citizens.

But, it will also make people like Soros, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos much richer, so they will pull out all the stops in their attempts to keep the illegals here, and see that Trump is assassinated. And then Vance is Assassinated. And they will just keep it going until they get a puppet again.

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I don't think that Trump's stated intention to deport all the illegals is going to work out as planned.

I do think he will approach the task in phases, and the worst of the illegals who are criminals, addicts or severely-criminally-mentally-ill ( Rapists and Serial Arson Killers ) .

The next phase will be the deportation of the new illegals, from the Biden Era, who have not found work, and are still living on public funds. I think he will scare many of that crowd to take jobs being paid under the table, without paying taxes, which will drive down wages, and take away massive numbers of jobs from native-born, working class, American Citizens.

But, it will also make people like Soros, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos much richer, so they will pull out all the stops in their attempts to keep the illegals here, and see that Trump is assassinated. And then Vance is Assassinated. And they will just keep it going until they get a puppet again.


I hope he deputizes people like me and pays a bounty for each illegal. Dead, or alive.
I hope he deputizes people like me and pays a bounty for each illegal. Dead, or alive.

I do not believe in violence to achieve political goals. It always backfires.

I think that America is going to break apart, and the deep blue states will go for Global government, while the rest of the dis-United-States, will choose to return to the Rule-of-Law and the Constitution.

The Global Government won't last even a decade, but during its chaos, the Chinese Communists will gain so much power and wealth, they will gain the military power to destroy Western Civilization.

Then the Chinese Communist Hegemony won't have an external enemy, and it will also collapse.

And Humanity will enter a second dark ages.

I do, as long as it's legal.

People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

I served. I developed weapon systems and munitions for 26 years. I have also done work that was alternative energy, including fusion development and also humanitarian de-mining (landmines).

My work has resulted in the deaths of many. Probably thousands.

I now serve peace and humanity.

I sleep better for it.

The thing that Item #6 of the OP demonstrates, is that if used as the laws were written and passed, immigration law works to prevent criminal and criminally-mentally-ill immigrants from abusing American Citizens.

You or I could not suddenly decide to immigrate to Venezuela, show up, and demand that the people there house and feed U.S.

We have immigration laws, and national borders, for a host of good reasons!

Here are a few things to consider about the formation of immigration policy:

1: The population of America is roughly 346 Million

2: The combined population of the nations of Central America is 184 Million

3: The combined population of the nations of South America is 437 Million

So the Combined population of Central and South America is nearly twice the population of the United States. So, assuming for the sake of debate, that their rate per capita of Criminal or Criminally-Mentally-Ill people is the same as native born Americans, if they send to the U.S. just half of their populations Criminals and Crazies, our number of Criminals and Crazies will Triple!

If they send U.S. just half, our number will be triple what it would be without them!

4: The new Illegal Immigrants from the Biden four years number somewhere between 11 Million and 24 Million. DHS openly states they don't know for sure how many are here, and put the low end at 11 Million, and some of their people state it could be as high as 24 Million. They don't know.

5: The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) states that the average cost per illegal per year is currently $65,000. Even if you assume the low number, that's 11Million X $65K = 715 Billion .... per YEAR!

6: The FBI Crime Data base, for Violent Crimes; Rape, Murder, Assault w/ deadly Intent, by Demographics for Perpetrators shows something very interesting:

Now, you might think that Native American Born Street Drug Gangs in Chicago are the worst perps for violent crime, but you'd be wrong!

The Lowest Category of Perpetrator per capita and the HIGHEST Category of Perpetrator per capita, for Violent Crimes have something in common, they are both foreign born people, living in the United States!

The Lowest Category of Perp for Violent Crimes is LEGAL Immigrants!

The Highest Category of Perp for Violent Crimes is ILLEGAL Immigrants!

7. The Department of Labor just released a report that shows that ALL, 100% of the job growth over the Biden Years, went to the Illegals. None of the new jobs went to Americans. There are now 43 Million American Born Citizens who are permanently out of work.

8. Annually, the Farms and Orchards of America, employ around 285K seasonal workers at an average yearly income of $35K. So, just the illegals from the Biden Era are 20X more unskilled labor, than is needed by America.

So, if you're a American Voter, does Open Borders sound like a good deal?

Are you on the spectrum or neurodivergent?
It is not about Me, or anyone on this forum, or even about Trump.

The scale and scope of the 2024 GOP election win makes that clear.

It is about the fact that nations have laws and borders, to keep other nations from assaulting and destroying them, by sending all their criminals, addicts, and mentally-ill, to a nation they hate.

If the entire planet sends just a quarter of its criminals, addicts, and mentally-ill, to The United States, It will destroy America.

If the entire planet send just an eighth of its unskilled, unemployed, low IQ people, to The United States, It will destroy America.

So, we have immigration laws, borders, a border patrol, and a deportation process.

Open Borders will never work, ... ever!

America cannot survive as the sole military policeman of the world.

America cannot survive as the trash can of the world.

Especially when we outsourced all our wealth producing, heavy Industry to China.

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The thing that Item #6 of the OP demonstrates, is that if used as the laws were written and passed, immigration law works to prevent criminal and criminally-mentally-ill immigrants from abusing American Citizens.

You or I could not suddenly decide to immigrate to Venezuela, show up, and demand that the people there house and feed U.S.

We have immigration laws, and national borders, for a host of good reasons!


Some contextual history: Americans put the brakes on mass immigration in 1924 under Calvin Coolidge and kept the borders more or less closed to illegals for years.

The Johnson-Reed Act, which Congress overwhelmingly passed, was a necessary step, as I am confident the coming mass deportation operation will prove to be.

It did this, I believe, because our country was in danger of balkanization. Then, as now, there was a noticeable tendency among recent immigrants (many of whom were of European origin) to assimilate into our melting pot culture.

This new adherence to the law of our land allowed the new generations born into America's immigrant families to integrate into society and re-solidify our national identity, in my estimation.

E Pluribus, Unum.

I think this was a major factor in WW2.

It also contributed in no small measure to America's ascendance in the postwar era, I believe.

We developed our nation internally, built the infrastructure that for decades was the envy of the world, and eventually innovated our way into outer space.

Under President Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s we had balanced budgets while building the interstate highway system, and he undertook mass deportations of ills aliens in "Operation Wetback" to help keep America's workforce strong.

Nobody called him racist, because he forced Democrats to integrate public schools at bayonet point.

Hyperventilating over ‘skilled immigration’ as today's Democrats do, seems a little desperate.

Some people really want to stack that business bottom line and keep wages down, it seems.

But I think the country is at least as bad as it was in 1924. It lacks coherence, which these debates - especially in their overtly ethnic tone - reveals.

So let’s take another long break. And the businessmen will do fine - they will adjust.
A fence is okay, but a much better solution is sensor fields and cameras along the entire border.

But what goes with that, is the need to search a majority of transportainers at the ports. Probably with autonomous micro-drones.

This is needed even if there were no illegal immigrants, we should be searching transportainers carefully for Rats, Bark Beetles, Flies and other pathogens, for the sake of their often being disease vectors.

A fence is okay, but a much better solution is sensor fields and cameras along the entire border.

But what goes with that, is the need to search a majority of transportainers at the ports. Probably with autonomous micro-drones.

This is needed even if there were no illegal immigrants, we should be searching transportainers carefully for Rats, Bark Beetles, Flies and other pathogens, for the sake of their often being disease vectors.


The Berlin Wall worked remarkably well.

Between 1961 and 1989, approximately 5,000 people successfully made it over or under the Berlin Wall. So, the average number of people crossing the border annually was approximately 179 people per year.

However, it's worth noting that numerous others made the attempt, with varying outcomes, including many deaths.

The Berlin Wall worked remarkably well.

Between 1961 and 1989, approximately 5,000 people successfully made it over or under the Berlin Wall. So, the average number of people crossing the border annually was approximately 179 people per year.

However, it's worth noting that numerous others made the attempt, with varying outcomes, including many deaths.


Do you really want America to become the kind of Authoritarian State that Stalinist Russia was?

Additionally, when the Berlin wall was in its early construction, electronics were still built on vacuum tubes, as the transistor has not yet been invented.

Today, Amazon is experimenting with airborne drone package deliveries.

I really think that the majority of the pathway to stopping illegal immigration is in surprise workplace inspections, with huge fines for employers who are paying illegals under the table for manual labor class jobs.

Its about the Rule-of-Law, and One-Standard of Justice Enforcement.

We cannot survive, spending a Trillion Dollars a year for illegals with no skills, common language, and an intolerant hostile to American-Born attitude. A nation divided against itself cannot long endure.

I also am leery of America becoming a Surveillance State with no privacy at all. So, keep the searches mostly at the borders and ports. Only search the interior with cause.

As always, it is a delicate balancing act.
