APP - some god news and some bad news for sty

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court won't reconsider a jury's decision that an off-duty Seattle police officer who was cut off in traffic violated a man's rights by detaining him at gunpoint.
The high court Monday refused to hear an appeal from officer Jonathan Chin, who was in plainclothes as he held at gunpoint three men who allegedly cut him off in traffic and ran a red light. One of the men eventually was tackled, subdued and restrained by several officers, sustaining a head abrasion that cost him $3,500 in medical bills.
A jury cleared Chin of allegations that police used excessive force, but found the detention went on too long, violating civil rights. Chin argued that he had immunity but courts have ruled against him.
Justices refused to hear his appeal.