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Results of AP-AOL News Poll

The Associated Press-AOL News poll on who people think were the villains and heroes of the last year was conducted Dec. 19-21 and is based on telephone interviews with 1,004 adults from all states except Alaska and Hawaii. The poll was conducted by Ipsos, an international polling firm.

Results were weighted to represent the population by demographic factors such as age, sex, region, race and income.

No more than one time in 20 should chance variations in the sample cause the results to vary by more than plus or minus 3 percentage points from the answers that would be obtained if all people in the U.S. were polled.

Names of celebrities that respondents volunteered were not on the list of possible answers in the poll question.

There are other sources of potential error in polls, including the wording and order of questions. Results may not total 100 percent because of rounding. An "X" signifies less than 1 percent.


1. If you were asked to name a famous person to be the biggest villain of the year, whom would you choose?

-George W. Bush, 25 percent

-Osama bin Laden, 8 percent

-Saddam Hussein, 6 percent

-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, 5 percent

-Kim Jong Il, North Korean leader, 2 percent

-Donald Rumsfeld, 2 percent

-John Kerry, 1 percent

-Rosie O'Donnell, 1 percent

-Dick Cheney, 1 percent

-Hillary Clinton, 1 percent

-Brad Pitt, 1 percent

-Tom Cruise, 1 percent

-Satan/The Devil, 1 percent

-Donald Trump, 1 percent

-O.J. Simpson, 1 percent

-Hugo Chavez, 1 percent

-George Clooney, 1 percent

-Nancy Pelosi, 1 percent

-Bill Clinton, 1 percent

-Colin Farrell, 1 percent

-Oprah Winfrey, 1 percent

-Mel Gibson, X percent

-Paris Hilton, X percent

-Terrell Owens, X percent

-Britney Spears, X percent

-Angelina Jolie, X percent

-Arnold Schwarzenegger, X percent

-Santa Claus, X percent

-Bill O'Reilly, X percent

-Martha Stewart, X percent

-Matt Damon, X percent

-Other, 15 percent

-None, X percent

-Not sure, 20 percent

2. If you were asked to name a famous person to be the biggest hero of the year, whom would you choose?

-George W. Bush, 13 percent

-Soldiers/troops in Iraq, 6 percent

-Oprah Winfrey, 3 percent

-Barack Obama, 3 percent

-Jesus Christ, 3 percent

-Bono, 2 percent

-Angelina Jolie, 1 percent

-Al Gore, 1 percent

-Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1 percent

-Colin Powell, 1 percent

-Mel Gibson, 1 percent

-George Clooney, 1 percent

-Bill Gates, 1 percent

-Donald Rumsfeld, 1 percent

-Bill Clinton, 1 percent

-Jimmy Carter, 1 percent

-Martin Luther King, 1 percent

-Condoleeza Rice, 1 percent

-Billy Graham, 1 percent

-Warren Buffett, 1 percent

-Pope Benedict, X percent

-Hillary Clinton, X percent

-Brad Pitt, X percent

-Paris Hilton, X percent

-Nancy Pelosi, X percent

-Tiger Woods, X percent

-John McCain, X percent

-Sylvester Stallone, X percent

-Tom Cruise, X percent

-Lance Armstrong, X percent

-Donald Trump, X percent

-Mother Teresa, X percent

-Ladainian Tomlinson, X percent

-Brett Favre, X percent

-Other, 25 percent

-None, 1 percent

-Not sure, 27 percent

Rest of the poll at: