APP - Some interesting dates to think about

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
The now infamous Ukrainian phone call took place on July 25 2019

It was sooooo alarming that those who participated on the call didn't actually blow the whistle on it right away, they instead waited on the rules to be changes so that hearsay could be part of a whistleblower case and then they want to someone outside of government who wasn't on the call to serve as the whistleblower.

September 10th - Bolton resigns

September 14th - Saudi Arabia oil fields are hit by drone strikes

September 15th - News of Trump's phone call to Zelensky was leaked

Now remember, everyone was accusing Iran of the drone strike. Everyone thought we were going to attack Iran. Neocons like Bolton and Lindsey Graham were salivating at the prospect. President Trump of course was measured and deliberate and did nothing. Oil markets didn't move and the stock market stayed rock solid

Could all of this be a coincidence? I am not offering up any conspiracy theories just pointing out some interesting timelines