APP - Some observations on the scene


So this is what we know

The democrats launched a massive cheating campaign to try to win this election

Biden underperformed multiple candidates down ballot in key counties. "Oh many people vote that way" we are told. Sure. Right.

Biden had such a sweeping mandate that the democrat party got crushed everywhere. Thankfully the GOP controls enough state legislatures to control redistricting. Of course those will probably land in court

The next big battle is going to be the Senate. The democrats aren't finished cheating. The cheating in Georgia wasn't about trying to flip that state to Biden. That isn't why they kept counting. No, they wanted to and were successful in getting Perdue into a runoff. That means there are TWO Senate races in Georgia coming up. You don't think the democrats aren't going to try to replicate what they did Tuesday night to flip the Senate? They are still trying to steal the seat from Tillis. Of course I am not sure if it matters if the dems take the Senate or not, the RINOs are already showing signs of wanting to push things like amnesty. So they might as roll over all the way.

For years we have been told that Trump is a racist, a xenophobe. Yet all across the country he increased his vote share of minorities of all stripes. In any honest media, they would be reporting the huge significance of that. Our so called NeverTrumpers with all of their amnesty talk have never been able to get that kind of electoral support. AND NEVER WILL.

I will not lie and say that I am not angry at what has happened. Not because of a potential lost election (I always have hope) but because the democrat party has done so much damage to our country and people sit by and let it happen.

Despite all of the crowing, the left knows they got whacked at the polls on Tuesday night. They know it in their guts. It doesn't matter to them because winning is the only thing that matters to them. This country does not.

I don't know what is going to happen. I do know that I will never regret supporting Donald J Trump. He is one of the greatest Americans in US history. The respect and affection I have for him is immeasurable and rivals that of what I felt for Ronaldus Magnus.

So what can patriotic Americans do? How do we not only fight off the left but fight off corrupt Republicans? Fortunately the Constitution has given us a path forward. Article 5 of the US Constitution lays out ways of changing the Constitution. Most known is how many votes in Congress. That won't happen. But, another lesser known method is 2/3 of the Sates calling a Constitutional Convention. That means we need 33 states in order to call a Constitutional Convention. I believe the GOP has 31 after this election. We need to flip two more to Red and we have a chance to right these wrongs and Congress can do nothing about it. The Federal government can do nothing about it.

Keep praying. Trust in God.