No Rob never served and even if he wanted to, ignorant conservative homophobia would have kept him from doing so. But what I really want to know is this: Because you and I served we can make comments about it? Because as a veteran, I am apalled that the man goes to any of these hospitals. He sent these men and other men and women just like them into a combat zone where there was NO NEED to go. I always hear supporters say "But Clinton thought he had WMD's in 1998". So as a vet, would you have wanted to go into a battle zone on 5 year old intel? I know that I wouldn't have wanted to. The people responsible for 9-11 were in and still are in Afghanistan and Pakistan. There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq before we overthrew Sadam. Sadam hated Fundamental Islamists as much as we did though for different reasons. We now have soldiers in a country where the people that were supposed to greet us in the streets with flowers, plant explosive devices. Would the carnage been any better or worse than it is in Iraq? Probably not, but in Afghanistan we would have been fighting the actual terrorist forces that had something to do with 9-11. We would have been fighting the enemy and not creating new enemies in Iraq.