Some so-called president who was hacked in there to aid Russia's attack.


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45 at being a fool's so-called president who isn't worth dog crap obviously was lawlessly hacked and rigged in there to do the will of his pimps in Russia, antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies and other uncivilized elements to aid its attack on democracy, civilization and the common decency of humanity. As such, at not only making a fool of himself in the global arena at being played as a desperate sucker, 45 it appears has relegated himself as a pariah against America and civilization who knows he is not a legally elected so-called president but a tyrant who has aided the condemnation of his own treasonous, felonious and criminal against humanity putrid soul. Hitler, although he was a mad man was not the type of absolute fool and ignoramus this 45 dictator wannabe is who recruits idiots apparently that are willing to end up in a hell hole along with their 45 infidel who has already accumulated a mountain of crimes against about every part of planet Earth.

On Sunday afternoon Attorney General William Barr sent a letter to Congress noting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” The message also noted that Mueller could not exonerate President Donald Trump of obstruction of justice, but that Barr himself had decided that the evidence Mueller developed was “insufficient to establish” that Trump had obstructed justice. Trump proclaimed it was “complete and total exoneration.” And Trump champions popped the cork and declared case closed, nothing to see, end of story, no need for further investigation, Trump did no wrong.
Well, that is fake news. "

Trump Aided and Abetted Russia’s Attack. That Was Treachery. Full Stop.
The scandal may not be a crime. It’s a betrayal, by David Corn
Washington, DC, Bureau Chief, retrieved from motherjones .com
I'll tell you what, I would never call the president even if I had his number for several reasons.
1.) I'm not now nor have I ever been interested in talking with the president.
2.) It would be a waste of time and would probably go very unwell.
3.) I am not a fan and I don't do fan things.