APP - Some thoughts on Fords testimony

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I went back and rewatched her testimony. Here are a few observations

1) she really didn’t come off like an educated confident woman. Oh she threw out words like hippocampus and sequelae but she didn’t know the meaning of the word exculpatory. I thought that was odd for a woman with a supposed PhD

2) She came across as very childlike and spoke like a six year old

3) I found it odd that she would testify that she was so traumatized by the event she needed the extra door but didn’t have a problem with strange Googlers in her house

4) She obviously lied about her fear of flying.

As I said before I actually believe she had a traumatic event in her past like she described.

It is accepted that when people have traumatic events happen at a very young age they remain at that age developmentally.

I wonder if she was sexually assaulted by a family member when she was younger and she is trying to blame it on Brett Kavanaugh for political reasons.
I doubt most of those things, Don.

I think she gave credible testimony...and genuinely seemed "terrified" most ordinary people might be if asked suddenly to testify before a Senate committee.

I suspect your perspective is more a result of your political bent...rather than a reasonable assessment of what happened during her testimony.

I do agree with something you insinuated rather than mentioned.

She seem damaged.

I suspect it is for the reasons she mentioned in her testimony...not some imagined (by you) event in her youth.