Some Tri-State Area Vick Humor:


JPP Modarater
- Now that the Eagles have picked up Michael Vick, the Buffalo Bills are considering signing OJ when he gets out in 10 years?

- Hide your beagle, Michael Vick is now an Eagle.

- People put your pitbulls away, Michael Vick is coming to Philly to play.
yeah cause animal crualty is sooo funny.
what's going to be funny is cowboy fans crying after Vic smokes them twice a season.
I can't stand football anyway. I'm just going to continue my life long boycott of the sport.
- Now that the Eagles have picked up Michael Vick, the Buffalo Bills are considering signing OJ when he gets out in 10 years?

- Hide your beagle, Michael Vick is now an Eagle.

- People put your pitbulls away, Michael Vick is coming to Philly to play.
Isn't this the same City that cheered whem Michael Irving laid unconscience on the field with what looked like a spinal cord injury?

I'd say Mike's found a good home! LOL
When I lived in Tampa I loved game days for the Bucs. I could go to home depot and the place would be nearly empty :cheer: