Someone Got So Triggered His Yuge Pus Finally Erupted


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
Now it's oozing yellow, orange and green. The stench is so incredible you will faint if you get within 1 mile of him.

Mission Accomplished.

Legion? Or are you talking about the finally canned loser CFM?

CFM is permanently banned????

Awesome :good4u:

Best thing that's happened to this place since I've been here.

I just hope they IP banned him so he can't rejoin under another name.

Let Cannon Falls Minnesota deal with him now.

Now I'm going to have to be on the lookout for him showing up at my house.... "unannounced". :palm:
LOL. Look at Dr. Erupting Lesion Pus keeping going and going and going. He has finally popped his cork. :rofl2:

