APP - Someone is trying to clear the democrat field before it gets started


Former Vice President
There have been some interesting goings on in the democrat party this week

1) We have been delivered proof of Fauxcahontas' lies about her so called injun heritage

2) Just saw an article in Huffington Post about how Klobuchar is mean to her staff and she can't find a campaign manager

Now think about that. Not only are these stories leaking out, but the Democrat Media Industrial Complex is publishing them. That doesn't happen in normal years. The DMIC goes to great lengths to protect democrats. So what can be going on?

Well, someone is trying to clear the field early before we get into the democrat party primary. It is pretty smart if you think about it. The last thing the establishment party wants is a protracted primary where it is a clown show of epic proportions. Better to clear out some of the field now and save the prospective nominee.

This is gonna get good