Something completely different.


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If you've been gaming as long as I have, you probably have realized that once you've played one type of game, you've played them all. First person shooters might as well be clones of each other. Same with online role-playing games, and just about every other type of game. Well, fasten your seat belts. This game is like no other game you've played before.
If you've been gaming as long as I have, you probably have realized that once you've played one type of game, you've played them all. First person shooters might as well be clones of each other. Same with online role-playing games, and just about every other type of game. Well, fasten your seat belts. This game is like no other game you've played before.

check back with me after release.......meanwhile I am messing around with FF14(15) a toon who is a 53 bard,51white mage, 51 paladin, 50+ botanist, miner, fisherman, leatherworker, blacksmith........

I like games with good graphics.......sometimes I spend a night just roaming around the landscape looking at graphics.......
check back with me after release.......meanwhile I am messing around with FF14(15) a toon who is a 53 bard,51white mage, 51 paladin, 50+ botanist, miner, fisherman, leatherworker, blacksmith........

What I really love about this game is that they got rid of the grind. Also, your charecters actions affect what happens in the game. There is also the fact that your charter ages in the game. It's all about the story. And that's the way it should be.
I'm going to stick with Roulette. I like the Free Drinks, the Live Music is usually pretty good, and there's not a lot of mental work at picking what you want to put your money on. I like winning better than losing, but there's always the Buffet and/or Coffee Shop that is half-price or free with your Coupons.